[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Need a "box and arrow", graph theory tool for DOS Smalltalk V DAG browser

daven@ibmpcug.UUCP (David Newman) (03/13/89)

Funny you should ask about graph tools. I've just been using the Directed
Acyclic Graph Browser which comes on a tools disk (#3) for Smalltalk V.
It does a lot of what you want, e.g. maintaining links when you move a
node, redrawing the graph (when asked), after you have changed the structure.
I'm using it to write a conceptual graph editor. It's not PD ($99 for
Smalltalk, maybe $50 for the tools disk), but then you get a whole programming
language and prototyping environment with it!

Dave Newman (JANET%"D.R.Newman@kingston.ac.uk")
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