[comp.sys.ibm.pc] NCSA Telnet V2.2. on PS/2

efv@mbunix.mitre.org (Eugene F. Vogt) (02/23/89)

To Hanno, or anyone else who knows the answer;

You posted an article a long time back, and I was wondering if you got
any response to your question........

------------Included file--------------
Article 22040 of comp.sys.ibm.pc:
Path: linus!husc6!bloom-beacon!apple!bionet!ig!agate!ucbvax!decwrl!sun!pitstop!sundc!seismo!uunet!mcvax!enea!tut!hannu
From: hannu@tut.FI (Hannu Koivisto)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc,comp.sys.ibm.pc
Subject: NCSA telnet 2.2 on ibm PS/70 (problems)
Message-ID: <158@karhu.tut.FI>
Date: 14 Sep 88 09:25:47 GMT
Organization: Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Lines: 22
Xref: linus comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc:1018 comp.sys.ibm.pc:22040

We have tried to install the new version of NCSA Telnet (2.2)
both on IBM PS/70 and 80 with 3c523 ethernet card. We use DOS 3.3
The doc's says that it should work.

We have tried a lot of different settings in Config.tel. No success,
the program reads the configuration file and halts the machine.

I would like to hear if somebody of you in the netland has made it to
work, or if it's known that it won't work.

If you have a working installation, can you please mail me a copy of
your Config.tel file (and maybe also config.sys).

Thanks in advance

Hannu Koivisto		hannu@tut.fi            (internet -style address)
			koivisto@fintuta.bitnet (also via bitnet)

			Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland

------------End of included file-------------------

I saved your message, because I was planning on ordering NCSA Telnet
V2.2 for my PS/2 model 50.  I've got a 3COM 3c523 board in the box,
and the 3COM TCP software works.

I finally got my V2.2 software and manual, and guess what!  It hangs,
just like you describe!

Did you ever figure it out?

      >>---> Eugene F. Vogt   (efv@security) <---<<
    arpa: efv@mitre.org     |   US Mail: MITRE Corp.
MCI Mail: evogt (201-6274)  |            Mail Stop K329
     BIX: genevogt          |            Burlington Road
EasyLink: 62930778          |            Bedford, MA 01730
    UUCP: linus!mbunix!efv  |   Ma Bell: 617-271-8886

pathak@s.cs.uiuc.edu (03/01/89)

Send me your config.tel as well as your complete system configuration. I will
take a look at it and try to give you a some suggestions.

Heeren Pathak

pathak@s.cs.uiuc.edu (03/01/89)

If anyone has problems with NCSA_Telnet or any other NCSA product
you can call our consultanting office at (217) 244-1144.

Heeren Pathak

berger@clio.las.uiuc.edu (03/03/89)

I haven't run that configuration, but your symptoms are indicative of an
interrupt conflict.  Are you sure that the card is set to use an otherwise
unused interrupt, and that there are no I/O or memory address conflicts?

			Mike Berger
			Department of Statistics 
			University of Illinois 

			{convex | pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!berger

ecurtis@vmsa.cf.uci.edu (03/16/89)

In article <16800420@clio>, berger@clio.las.uiuc.edu writes...

>I haven't run that configuration, but your symptoms are indicative of an
>interrupt conflict.  Are you sure that the card is set to use an otherwise
>unused interrupt, and that there are no I/O or memory address conflicts?
>			Mike Berger
>			Department of Statistics 
>			University of Illinois 
>			berger@clio.las.uiuc.edu
>			{convex | pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!berger