(Rich Wales) (03/18/89)
I have a 100% IBM-compatible Taiwanese "turbo" XT clone running the generic "packaged product" MS-DOS 3.30A release. Would I be gaining anything by upgrading to MS-DOS 4 (I understand 4.01 is the latest release)? I'm experiencing no complaints with my DOS 3.30A system, and assume I won't upgrade to DOS 4.01 unless there is some really good reason why I should do so. -- Rich Wales // UCLA Computer Science Department // +1 (213) 825-5683 3531 Boelter Hall // Los Angeles, California 90024-1596 // USA wales@CS.UCLA.EDU ...!(uunet,ucbvax,rutgers)!!wales "Now, drop your weapons, or I'll kill him with this deadly jelly baby."