[comp.sys.ibm.pc] GateWay Technical Service

jmbj@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (james.m.bittman) (03/19/89)

I recently posted about my problem with the GateWay 2000
16 mhz VGA machine, Vega video board locking machine up
and writing garbage in "Turbo" mode.

They picked up Federal Express shipping both ways and the
computer was out and back again in 3 days.  The only problem
was when it came back, it didn't even power on!  This problem
was a shipping problem where 2 of the boards (video and disk ctlr)
became unseated and were shorting out the bus.

Everything is resolved, and the machine works fine now
with the Paradise 16-bit VGA board. 

Last posting I said that I was LESS enthusiastic about purchasing my
upcoming '386 machine from them, but I stand corrected.  Their support
has been really excellent in my opinion, fast and at THEIR expense.  
They really did bend over backwards to make everything right.

Jim Bittman, whuts!jmbj