greg@ncelvax.UUCP (Greg Ramsey) (03/25/89)
I have a old IBM-PC Portable (no, not the laptop convertable, the full size pc in a one piece case) ((go on, finish laughing at me before you read on, I was young when I bought it)). Actually, other than the small ugly screen, it has been a very satisfactory home computer. For those of you unfamiliar with this machine, it consists of a ~8" composite monitor, two 360 K floppy drives and a modified XT motherboard. Since most of the programs I use nowadays have outgrown the 360 K a: drive and I don't really want to invest the money for a hard disk and controller in this old machine, I was thinking I could add a 1.2 Mbyte floppy drive in the A: drive. I am using DOS 3.2 so that shouldn't be a problem, but will the floppy controller, the bios or something else cause me a problem? Thanks in advance, Greg ncelvax! -- ___ Greg Ramsey _n_n_n____i_i ________ Naval Civil Engineering Lab (____________I I______I Code L54 805/ /ooOOOO OOOOoo oo oooo Port Hueneme, CA 93043 982-4619