[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Help with AT memory board...

keegan-edward@CS.Yale.EDU (Edward Keegan) (03/28/89)

I have an older AT (512KB) that has a  512KB  (IBM?)  "parity  memory"
board.  While  DOS  recognizes  that  1024KB memory is installed, only
512KB is available to DOS, the rest is allocated to  EMS.  I  need  to
change  the memory allocations such that 640KB is available to DOS and
384KB is left for EMS. Does anyone know of this  board  and  what  the
switch  settings  are  to  configure it as outlined above? The current
switch settings are: 

	BANK 0			BANK 1
	sw   on   off		sw   on   off
	1    x                  1    x
        2    x                  2    x
        3    x                  3    x
        4         x             4          x
        5    x                  5    x
        6    x                  6          x
        7    x                  7    x      
        8    x                  8          x

     | Edward T. Keegan, Director  |  UUCP: yale!keegan-edward         |   
     | Development and Operations  |  ARPA: keegan-edward@cs.yale.edu  |   
     | Computer Science Department | VOICE: 1-203-432-1254             |   
     | Yale University             |  USPS: P.O.Box 2158, Yale Station |
     | Arthur K. Watson Hall       |        New Haven, CT 06520        |