(Willy Paine) (03/28/89)
Cc: paine My MS-DOS BBS is using Usenet<->Fidonet GateWay (UFGATE) to recieve and send email/usenet message to Unix host using with uuslave/uucp for over a year. I am switching BBS software to Lynx (beta v1.3) and this is not up yet. Lynx can take more newsgroups and more messages but unfortunatly Lynx removes all linefeed characters (ASCII 10 dec) before sending messages out to the world. I am looking for program or source code to reformat to 70-80 column and add <CR> on each line on each *.msg or *.d before I can send them to Unix host. If this is executable program, it must be able to run under ms-dos operating system and Unix host can not do anything with missing <CR> or soft <CR>. Are there any other usenet newsgroup that deal with uucp mail between IBM and Unix system? Thanks in advance.... Willy paine SeaEast PC Exchange BBS (HST modem) +1 206 822-4615 FidoNet 1:343/15 uunet!nwsnevus!happym!rwing!seaeast!willyp but faster with decwrl!decwet!paine to my work