[comp.sys.ibm.pc] RLL drives and interleave factors

djo7613@blake.acs.washington.edu (Dick O'Connor) (03/30/89)

I'm trying to determine what interleave the Seagate ST238 30 MB RLL hard
disk drive in my Zenith Z159 XT-compatible is set to.  There are a number
of commercial products that I could buy to do this and many other useful
hard disk tests.  I was hoping to be able to determine my current interleave
setting using something free in order to see if it's going to be a 
worthwhile expense.

I've downloaded two products from SIMTEL20 that do interleave testing.
One is  a package from Gibson Research which includes a program called
SPINTEST, which told me that my drive (using a Seagate controller - not
sure what the model number is) was running at a 22:1 interleave (Eek!).
The other product, a program written by Jim Bracking and distributed
in an archive called HDTST125, told me the interleave was 4:1 and that I
could get slightly better performance by re-interleaving at 5:1.

Both packages seem RLL-aware.  Question is, who's right?  Maybe I need to
find a *third* package, and go for 2 falls out of 3...

Dick O'Connor
Washington Department of Fisheries
Olympia, Washington  98504
Internet Mail: djo7613@blake.acs.washington.edu
DISCLAIMER:  I speak only for myself, not for the Department.  Here, anyway!
               So long, and thanks from all the fish...

jborza%burgundy@Sun.COM (Jim_Borza) (03/30/89)

In article <1382@blake.acs.washington.edu>, djo7613@blake.acs.washington.edu (Dick O'Connor) writes:
> I'm trying to determine what interleave the Seagate ST238 30 MB RLL hard
> disk drive in my Zenith Z159 XT-compatible is set to.  
> [...] 
> I've downloaded two products from SIMTEL20 that do interleave testing.
> SPINTEST, which told me that my drive [...]
> was running at a 22:1 interleave (Eek!).
> [...] HDTST125, told me the interleave was 4:1 and that I
> could get slightly better performance by re-interleaving at 5:1.
> [...]
> Both packages seem RLL-aware.  Question is, who's right?  Maybe I need to
> find a *third* package, and go for 2 falls out of 3...

SPINTEST probably reported it took 22 revolutions to read the disk - if true,
it only implies that the interleave is a tad too low.  Had it been MUCH too
low, it would have reported taking 26 revolutions (apparently, an occasional
"hit" is made).  I would accept the 4:1 reported by HDTST125 as accurate and
re-format with 5:1 interleave.  SPINTEST should then report taking 5 revs to
read the disk.  When using SPINTEST, the rule of thumb is: when the number
of revolutions is equal to the interleave, your disk subsystem is working
OK; if the number of revs is much higher than the interleave, the interleave
is too low.  The old-timers' method is to start with, say 6:1, run SPINTEST
and check if revs=interleave.  Decrease interleave by 1 and try again.  When
the revs jumps up, increase the interleave by 1 and leave it there.  BTW,
I include the interleave in the Volume label on the disk and also in a
comment in AUTOEXEC.BAT (I have several machines - all seem to require dif-
ferent i'leaves).  Volume label= yymmdd_i_ss (i=interleave, ss=DOS).

Jim Borza - Sun Microsystems
Disclaimer?  Sure, why not?

stoppani@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Peter Stoppani) (03/31/89)

>>The other product, a program written by Jim Bracking and distributed
>>in an archive called HDTST125, told me the interleave was 4:1 and that I
>>could get slightly better performance by re-interleaving at 5:1.
>>Dick O'Connor
>>Washington Department of Fisheries
>>Olympia, Washington  98504

Be sure to run HDTST125 several times or at least twice.  I ran it on my
ST251-1 and it reported an interleave of 5:1 the first time.  Since I 
knew it was really 2:1 I ran it again and HDTST125 got it right (additional
runs also got 2:1).


Addman@cup.portal.com (Dennis A Lish) (03/31/89)

Ontrack Computer Systems makes a nifty little program called DOSUTILS that doe
the interleave check and a good deal more...plus the people at Ontrack are 
very nice to talk too and they're extremely compitent.  The program lists 
for about $100...I got it from a distributor for around $50.
The number at on track is 1 800 752 1333.