[net.general] Save Your Family

root@sigma.UUCP (The Root of all Evil) (12/13/85)

I know some of you will be quite concerned about the preceding posting about
parent abuse by the State, especially if you now have or plan to have a family.
Fortunately there are two things you can do:

#1: Write!

Write S.O.F.T. and Concerned Women for America (C.W.A.) to learn more about the
abusive activities of CPS and the State of Washington.
Their addresses:

	S.O.F.T.			C.W.A.
	5312  9th Ave N.E.		Suite 800
	Seattle, WA  98105		122 C Street NW
					Washington, D.C. 20001

Write your state legislators. Tell them you have learned about CPS and are
concerned. Tell them you feel an investigation into CPS activities is in order.
Tell them you protest against the unconstitutional operations of the courts. 
Also, there is legislation due to be introduced in the next session that, if 
passed, will curtail the abusive activities of CPS somewhat. Tell them you
support it.
To get their names and addresses (I had to do this to reach my legislators):

	-Get your district number from your voter registration card.
	-Call your local library and ask who the legislators are for your 

Write the Governor. Tell him you want Washington's courts brought into
conformity with the Constitution. Also, he is trying to trim next year's 
budget, and CPS and the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) are the
single largest item on it. They are running a campaign to justify their 
activities, their existence, by fanning the hysteria over child abuse (which is
not to say that child abuse isn't a problem, but parental abuse is not the
His address:

	Gov. Booth Gardner
	Legislative Building
	Olympia, WA  98504
	  (206) 753-6780

Your input to the government is needed. The government only reacts to problems
it is aware of. The only people telling it anything about child abuse are the
people in CPS, and they are crying out for even more power!

#2: Talk!

Talk to people you know. Tell them about CPS, and encourage them to write. Give
them copies of these postings.

Talk to people in your company: managers and Personnel. It is expensive for a
company to lose an employee to this system. Enlist their support. If your
company is planning a move to Washington, warn them.

The government reacts most quickly and strongly to those issues that people
express the loudest concern about. Enlist all the support you can.
Some of you, like me, find it a real effort to sit down and compose a letter.

For those of you who need help, I have composed an outline for a letter, so
that it should only take a few minutes to write. I won't write it out fully, to
avoid the "form-letter" appearance. If you need help beyond that, send me a
request via e-mail and I will be glad to help you. 

	(Today's date)

	[Gov./Mr./Mrs./Ms.] (Name)

	Dear (Name):

	(Tell them you have heard about the abuses of CPS and Washington 
	courts. Elaborate a little if you want, but keep it fairly short.)

	(Tell them who you are, in relation to who they are and to the problem.
	If you live in their district, tell them. If you have a family, plan to
	have a family, have siblings or friends with family, tell them.)

	(Tell them of your specific concerns: the threat of CPS to you, your
	family or planned family, the fact that they are reaching for more
	power, the dangerous precedents they set in the courts, and so on.)

	(Tell them what you want them to do: to launch an investigation
	-immediately- into the activities of CPS, to cut their funding, promote
	legislation to reduce their powers, bring the courts in line. Remember
	that they work for you, but they cannot do it unless you tell them what
	to do.)

	(You might even tell them that you think they should get in touch with
	S.O.F.T. and C.W.A. for more information, and give them addresses.)


	(Your name)
	(your address)
	(optional: your phone)
If you do not live in the State of Washington, check on conditions where you
live. Washington is one of the worst of the States right now, but abuses like
those described are becoming more prevalent in other states and countries.

Don't sit back and wait until it happens to you.

root@sigma.UUCP (The Root of all Evil) (12/19/85)


Some of you have questioned recent postings about Washington State's DSHS
system. Here are pretty much real-to-life scenarios that are happening to
people I know, starring yourself.

You are eating dinner one evening with your family. Two police come to the
door and say they want to talk to you for a minute. Not knowing why, you
let them in. One, seeing your family at the table, introduces himself, and,
of course, you introduce your family. He then says he has something for you
to read, hands you a slip of paper, and, while you start to read it, he goes
over and takes your three-year-old daughter. You suddenly realize something is
wrong, because the paper says they are taking her under allegations of sexual
abuse, and the other policeman has stepped in front to prevent you and your
wife from reaching your daughter (who of course is very upset and crying). They
tell you that they are taking her to DSHS, and you will have to get more
information from there. One suggests that you might need a lawyer. Neither 
seems to think that you're worth very much. They leave, and the two of you are
sitting there stunned. What is going on? Did somebody do something to her? Why 
did they have to take her? How *can* they take her?

Neither you or your wife sleep very well that night.

The next morning you find an attorney, and suddenly learn about *that* expense.
He seems to know the system, so he places a few calls. He can't reach the
people he wants, but does get something from some assistant about a child
brought in last night whose parents were sexually molesting her! You are in
shock, and sit there trying to think of anything and everything you might have
done that could be mis-construed as abuse. The lawyer laughs all of your 
suggestions off, telling you that it's much more serious than that. He also
tells you that there has to be a hearing within 72 hours (not including
weekends and holidays), at the juvenile court. Unfortunately, this is Thursday,
so you realize you have a weekend without your daughter ahead of you. He 
arranges to meet with you at the Juvenile Court Monday morning. Oh, and yes, 
he's going to need money. BIG money! First thing Monday morning!

You spend the rest of the day trying to come up with the thousand or two he
wants. Fortunately you had some money accessible, but it wipes out your "cash"
reserves. Any additional monies are going to take weeks to get ahold of.

You spend your weekend avoiding everybody you know. How can you tell them that
the State took your daughter away and is accusing you of molesting her? You
figure it's just a big mistake, which will come out at the hearing, you'll take
her home again, and all will be well.

Monday morning: You arrive at Juvenile Court, meet your lawyer, and sign in.
He finds the DSHS worker, and gets a packet of papers to review before you go
in to court. You start to read it.. and are shocked! You are accused of all
sorts of filthy abuses, which, it is stated, she told the case worker all 
about! Some of the things you don't even understand! The statements even
quote her using words she doesn't know! You suddenly realize that *something*
is very wrong!

You are called into court, and the judge, the case worker, and your lawyer
talk a bit. The judge grants DSHS 30 days to hold your daughter (who is not
there, by the way) while they start an investigation. You begin to realize that
you aren't going to see your daughter for a while. You start wondering what
people are going to think about you, when you (inevitably) have to tell them.
You wonder if you can "cover up" somehow, to avoid the shame of the allegations.

The lawyer has some ideas, some things he needs to do, before the next
hearing. He gets going on them. You start trying to lead some semblance of a
normal life. You *have* to tell some people, who are all shocked because they
know you, and cannot believe that you are capable of such a thing. One small
comfort. You just wish the State knew you so well, too.

Three weeks pass..

You are beginning to look forward to the next hearing, so you can clear things
up and bring your daughter home. It's late, you and your wife have turned in, 
and turn the light out. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. You open it, and
there's two policemen. They ask if they can come in to talk. You are tired, not
thinking clearly, so you say yes. Suddenly they've got handcuffs on you, and
are reading you your rights!! You ask what's going on, they tell you they are
arresting you on suspicion of child abuse (sexual), and that you're going with
them to jail to be questioned. After a little pleading, they finally allow you
to get dressed, and they drag you off. It's 11:00 at night. Sevral hours later
you are downtown, booked, and tossed into an (overcrowded) cell for the rest
of the night. Next morning you are finally allowed access to a phone (one 
phone for the entire jail, you have to dicker with other -other!- inmates to
get to it). Your lawyer says he will meet you in court in the afternoon. You
get to sit around idle, nothing to read, you don't feel like talking. You are
in an unconfortable jumpsuit they gave you last night after the strip-search.

You go into court, and they let you go on a promise (by your lawyer) that you
will show up for the filing of the charges in a few days. Suddenly you become
aware that they are going to try you in criminal court, as well as in
Juvenile, and that if you lose the case, you go to prison. MANDATORY five
years without any possibility of parole, plus whatever else the judge feels
appropriate.. up to life.

Time passes..

You are "in the system" now. You are waiting for the trial, your lawyer is
doing what he can to establish your innocence, but there isn't much he can do
because the State treats the case worker's statements as absolute fact. You
cannot see your daughter, nor can your wife. She is told that if she divorces
you, so that you will be guaranteed to not be around (and they'll be
checking!), she can have your daughter home. If not, your daughter stays in the
foster home, and could eventually be put up for adoption if you don't 
cooperate. You'll never see her again.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

The opinions expressed above are not represented as those of any organization,
including those involved in the distribution of this posting.

root@sigma.UUCP (The Root of all Evil) (12/19/85)

	"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment 
	 by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."
  		-Louis Demblitz Brandeis

Sunday's (12/15/85) Seattle Times mentioned a new bill going before the
Legislature that presents an even greater threat to families in Washington.
The intent of the bill is good and I strongly support the intent of the 
authors of this bill, but there is a clear danger in its implementation. 

The bill would make it a felony to physically abuse children, including
shaking children under three, blows to the head, any spanking severe enough
to produce bruises, and so on. I doubt that anybody could argue that this
kind of abuse would ever be called for.

The problem arises with the involvement of Children's Protective Services
(CPS). Whenever faced with a situation of a possibility of abuse, these
people automatically take the position that the worst possible abuse has
occurred, and they pursue matters on that basis. Unfortunately, they have
been granted the power to do extreme damage to the family, under the rather
naive assumption that they would exercise restraint in the use of that power.

Under the current laws in Washington State, teachers and daycare workers are
required to call in CPS if they observe any bruises that could possibly be 
indicative of physical abuse, under threat of being accused as an accomplice
if they fail. The State does not provide any training in discerning 
"naturally-occurring" bruises from those arising from abuse. If you have an
active child, or one that bruises easily, you could be in for some serious 
trouble if this law passes.

As I mentioned, CPS automatically assumes the worst. Their normal first 
action is to remove the child from the home, and place him in foster care.
(With no proof, they can, at any time, remove and hold your child for 72
hours, not including weekends and holidays.) Then they start their
"investigation", which takes the form of a trial in everything but name and 
legality. You will be required to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Your child
will undergo psychiatric and physical examinations. You can expect a three to
six month separation from your child.

You also get to pay for all this, whether you prove your innocence or not.
Be prepared to shell out anywhere from $5000 to $25000.  For a bruise.

	"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."	  -John P. Curran
	"The price of eternal vigilance is indifference." -Marshall McLuhan

I must apologize for the use of a sympathetic "root" to post these items
anonymously. The intent is to protect people I know who are caught in the
system, as previously described. By putting a distance between their
indentites and the net, I am able to (I hope) effectively warn you without
bringing unjust retribution upon them from the State.

	"The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong
	 enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong
	 enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control
	 over its government." -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

I have done my duty in warning you, with places to turn for more information.
You may ignore it if you wish. It's on your heads. I shall say no more.

The opinions expressed above are not represented as those of any organization,
including those involved in the distribution of this posting.

warren@pluto.UUCP (Warren Burstein) (12/22/85)

Do all this and I'll read your future postings, maybe.

The Maxwell R. Mayhem Institute for Quandary Requiem and Maternal Sciamachy
Accept no substitutes.