u3ky@vax5.CIT.CORNELL.EDU (04/08/89)
I am starting to plan the purchase of a PC-compatible computer, and have a question about video cards. I have an analog color monitor that I would like to use. The monitor has a horizontal sweep frequency spec of 25 kHz. Now I could tune it down to 21 kHz and hack the inputs to make an EGA monitor, and maybe I could tune it up to 31 kHz for VGA, but I would rather find a color video card designed for 25 kHz monitors. Anybody know of any? Thanks, Steve Gaarder Cornell University, 173 Hollister, Ithaca NY 14853 USA +1 607 255 5389 UUCP: ...!cornell!vax5.cit.cornell.edu!u3ky BITNET: u3ky@crnlvax5.BITNET ARPA: sparks@larch.cadif.cornell.edu or: u3ky@vax5.ccs.cornell.edu or: u3ky@vax5.cit.cornell.edu