[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Help with serial interface

dor@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Douglas R. Oosting) (04/14/89)

We seem to be having a major problem with a piece of software here, and
nobody in our office can figure it out; therefore Im tossing the question
to the winds in hopes that someone will be able to help us. 

The problem is with a communications program via modem.  The interface to
the serial port is pibasync by Phillip Burns, version 4.0   (if you're out
there, PLEASE! mail to me with your address)  The problem is as follows:

With one serial port in place, the program runs perfectly with no snags.
If we use a different card in the computer, the modem does not acknowledge
any signal from our program..it recieves it (the SD and RD lights blink)
but does not act on the reset command, aborting the program.  Other comm-
unications programs work normally with either port.

The program itself is written in Turbo Pascal (4.0), the computer is a Laser
XT clone, the modem is a true Hayes 1200.  And we're at the ends of our
ropes.  If anyone has ANY idea what to do (we've tried a break-in box on the
serial line, there is no difference in signals) PLEASE send to any of the
following addresses (hopefully one will work)



Doug Oosting 

 "Apology Accepted." | Douglas R. Oosting, University of Florida
         D. Vader    | dor@beach.cis.ufl.edu or Pendragon@oak.circa.ufl.edu 
In the Society : Cadrys ap Dulas o Caereira, Barony of An Crosaire, Trimaris

pechter@scr1.UUCP (04/16/89)

Anyone have the pinouts for an old Kaypro 8088 PC with a 9 pin async

Bill Pechter -- Home - 103 Governors Road, Lakewood, NJ 08701 (201)370-0709
Work -- Concurrent Computer Corp., 2 Crescent Pl, MS 172, Oceanport,NJ 07757 
Phone -- (201)870-4780    Usenet  . . .  rutgers!pedsga!tsdiag!scr1!pechter
**    Why is it called software when it's so hard to install. RTF what?      **

drms3002@dlscg1.UUCP (Andy Meijers) (04/18/89)

In article <314@scr1.UUCP>, pechter@scr1.UUCP writes:
> Anyone have the pinouts for an old Kaypro 8088 PC with a 9 pin async
> port?
Per my very overpriced Kaypro tech manual, the maps are as follows for the 
suitcase style luggable:(unknown if first desktop was the same)

DT9P style (male?)      signal             DT9S style (female?)
1			carrier detect     7
2			receive data	   4
3			transmit data	   2
4			data term.ready    6
5			signal ground      5
6			data set ready     1
7			req. to send       8
8			clear to send      3
9			ring indicator     9

Hope this helps, etc. 
Andy Meijers DRMS-LZA    <Standard Disclaimers Apply>   Phone:(616)961-7253
Defense Reutilization & Marketing Service          FTS:552-7253 AV:932-7253 
Battle Creek, MI 49017-3092        Internet:ameijers%dlscg1.uucp@daitc.arpa
UUCP:     {uunet!gould!dsacg1,osu-cis!dsacg1,eecae!dsacng1}!dlscg1!ameijers