[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Question 1 of 3 for assembly language programmers.

alanr@tekigm2.MEN.TEK.COM (Alan Rovner) (04/17/89)

Can I access DOS command line arguments through assembly language?
This would be the equivalent to using argc and argv in C.  I would
appreciate a short example if possible.

Al Rovner
Tektronix Inc.
Vancouver, Wash.

jmv@sppy00.UUCP (Jim Vickroy) (04/18/89)

In article <4496@tekigm2.MEN.TEK.COM> alanr@tekigm2.MEN.TEK.COM (Alan Rovner) writes:
=>Can I access DOS command line arguments through assembly language?
=>This would be the equivalent to using argc and argv in C.  I would
=>appreciate a short example if possible.

Yes you can. The command line parameters are passed to you through the PSP,
specifically at offset 81 hex. Located at offset 80 hex is a byte which is
the length of the parameter string. The command line is delivered intact:

    If you launched a program:

	    MYPROG -a -b -cde filename

    the PSP would contain this information:

	    Offset	Contents
	    =======	=========================================
	    80h		13h
	    81h-94h	"-a -b -cde filename" (excluding the "'s)

Sorry, I don't have source right here to include. If you have problems,
e-mail a request and I'll try to round up the appropriate code segment..

Good luck....

:::: ::: ::  ::   :    :   Jim Vickroy
|OC| ||| ||  ||   |    |   Technical Services Department
|LC| ||| ||  ||   |    |   Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
:::: ::: ::  ::   :    :   Dublin, Ohio
UUCP:    {att|pyramid|killer}!osu-cis!sppy00!jmv  
domain:	 jmv@sppy00.uucp
USSNAIL: 6565 Frantz Rd., Dublin, Ohio 43017-0702
"They came. They saw. They kicked butt."                         -Nike shoe ad

pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (04/19/89)

In article <4496@tekigm2.MEN.TEK.COM> alanr@tekigm2.MEN.TEK.COM (Alan Rovner) writes:
>Can I access DOS command line arguments through assembly language?
>This would be the equivalent to using argc and argv in C.  I would
>appreciate a short example if possible.

     I wrote this for getting the switch chars in assembly.  At
     this time I think this will only work if you compile this
     to .COM programmes due to .EXE's header junk.  I could be
     wrong.  It's been a while since I hack on this stuff...


--- cut here ---
	page 	55,132
	title	'PROGRAMME -- Description.'
eom	equ	0h	;End of string char (did you think I was going to
			;use '$' ?!!!)
DosCall	equ	021h	;Interupt number for dos calls
lf	equ	0ah	;Equates here
cr	equ	0dh
prognam	segment	public
	public	putout
	assume	cs:prognam,ds:prognam,ss:prognam
        org     80h
psiz    db      ?
pstng   db      ?
	org 	100h
	mov	ax,cs
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	ss,ax
	mov 	sp,offset stack	
begin:				;beginning of programme
        mov     dx,offset signon_msg
        call    pstring
        mov     al,psiz         ;how many char are on the command line
        mov     switch_num,al
        cmp     al,0
        jz      help            ;if there is none, display help msg
        cmp     al,1
        jnz     nohelp          ;if there is just one, display help msg
                                ;else skip over and start parsing
        mov     dx,offset help_msg
        call    pstring
        jmp     exit
        sub     cx,cx
        mov     cl,switch_num
        mov     si,offset pstng ;start of command string
        cmp     al,switch_char1
        jz      tswtch
        cmp     al,switch_char2
        jz      tswtch
        jmp     lpend
tswtch: push    ax
        mov     ax,TRUE
        mov     switch_rcv,ax
        pop     ax
        dec     cx              ;test what switch char is out there
        cmp     al,"p"
        jz      p_set
        cmp     al,"P"
        jnz     defalt
p_set:				;set p_flag (used later on in the programme
				;to know that a switch was used.
        mov	p_set,TRUE
        jmp     lpend
                ;Did not reconize this char as a valid command.
        push    ax
        mov     dx,offset duh_msg
        call    pstring
        pop     ax
        call    pchar
        mov     al,'.'
        call    pchar
        jmp     help

lpend:  loop    lp1
        mov     ax,switch_rcv           ;did we get a valid switch char some
        cmp     ax,TRUE                 ;where in there?
        jz      main
	mov     dx,offset no_swtch_msg  ;if not, bomb out
        call    pstring
        jmp     help
;       M A I N
        ; Programme goes here...

exit:	mov	ah,4ch		;termination of programme
	int	21h

pstring	proc	near
        ;mov    dx,offset anounc ;point to address of message "anounc"
        ;call   pstring         ;display anounc
        mov     bx,dx
pmore:  mov     al,[bx]
        cmp     al,eom
        jz      pfin
        call    pchar
        inc     bx
        jmp     pmore
pfin:   ret
pstring endp
pchar   proc    near
        ;sends one char to the console
        mov     ah,2
        mov     dl,al
        int     DosCall
pchar   endp

putout	proc	near
	mov	dx,msr
	in	al,dx
	and	al,80h		;is there a carrier?
	jz	putdone		;if not, we're done.
	mov	al,[si]		;get char from string
	cmp	al,eom		;is this the end of the string?
	jz	putdone		;if so, we're done.
	mov	dx,0
	mov	ah,1
	int	14h		;send 'bye' string to COM1
	mov	dl,[si]
	call	pchar		;echo 'bye' string to stdout
	inc	si		;point to the next char
	jmp	putstart	;and do it again

putout	endp

     	db	10 dup ('stack   ')	;room for stack
stack	label 	byte		;top of stack

no_swtch_msg db	cr,lf,"  Did not find the current switch character on the"
	db	cr,lf,"  command line.  Please use either '/' or '-'."
	db	cr,lf,eom
duh_msg	db	cr,lf,"  Did not reconize the command line switch charater "
	db	eom
signon_msg db	"PROGRAMME name here".
	db	cr,lf,"Copyright (c) 1987 by T.M. Pozar"
	db      cr,lf,eom
help_msg db	cr,lf,"Use:"
	db	cr,lf,"PROGRAMME -P"
	db	cr,lf,"  Where:"
	db	cr,lf,"    P = Pswitch"
	db	cr,lf,eom
switch_num      db      0
switch_char1    db      "-"
switch_char2    db      "/"
switch_rcv	dw	FALSE	;TRUE = got a valid switch char on the
				;command line
prognam	ends
	end start
 ...sun!hoptoad!\                                     Tim Pozar
                 >fidogate!pozar               Fido:  1:125/406
  ...lll-winken!/                            PaBell:  (415) 788-3904
       USNail:  KKSF / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108