cramer@optilink.UUCP (Clayton Cramer) (04/26/89)
I have a need to be able to plot graphs of data. (Text and number, in
pairs -- real simple -- no fancy regression analysis, no trend lines --
real simple). I have been using PC File Plus to do this, but when I
get to about 30 pieces of data, the two character labels on the bar
graphs don't fit anymore, and are discarded. (A bar graph without
labels isn't very useful).
Does anyone have any alternate suggestions for this? I don't really
want to write a program to do this, and I'm not quite ready to spend
>$50 to do this.
Clayton E. Cramer {pyramid,pixar,tekbspa}!optilink!cramer
Governments that don't trust most people with weapons, deserve no trust.
Disclaimer? You must be kidding! No company would hold opinions like mine!
BVAUGHAN@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Barbara Vaughan) (04/26/89)
In article <1262@optilink.UUCP>, cramer@optilink.UUCP (Clayton Cramer) writes: >I have a need to be able to plot graphs of data. (Text and number, in >pairs -- real simple -- no fancy regression analysis, no trend lines -- >real simple). I have been using PC File Plus to do this, but when I >get to about 30 pieces of data, the two character labels on the bar >graphs don't fit anymore, and are discarded. > >Does anyone have any alternate suggestions for this? I don't know of any graphing software that can handle more than 30 vertical bars, each with a 2-character label. Obviously, this is pushing the limits of screen width or page width. However, a number of graphing programs allow horizontal bars (or histograms), and there should be no physical limit to the number of these you can print, although there would still be a limit to the number that could be displayed on a single screen. Example of this type of graph: Label AA ******************************** AB **************** . . . ZZ ********************** I'm not familiar with graphing software in the <= $50 range, but the algorithm to do this type of graph is so simple, you should be able to write a BASIC program to do it (or have a student do it for you) in a few hours. The asterisks in the example would be replaced by boxes in graphics mode. If you don't need great accuracy, it could be done in text mode, using asterisks or some other character. I sometimes put such histograms in the output of FORTRAN programs. Barbara Vaughan (RAMontante) (04/27/89)
Somewhere in the simtel20 archives is GRAPH, by Jim Van Zandt. This is essentially like the UNIX graph (a slight superset), and freely available. I've used it happily for appropriate tasks.