[comp.sys.ibm.pc] HD defragmenter

jwbirdsa@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (James Webster Birdsall) (04/27/89)

   Anybody know of a reliable public-domain or shareware HD
defragmenter? (or whatever it is that they're called -- my brain lost
the name on me just as I went to type it...)


James W. Birdsall  jwbirdsa@phoenix.Princeton.EDU  jwbirdsa@pucc.BITNET
   ...allegra!princeton!phoenix!jwbirdsa   Compu$erve: 71261,1731
"For it is the doom of men that they forget." -- Merlin

davidsen@steinmetz.ge.com (Wm. E. Davidsen Jr) (04/28/89)

In article <7989@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> jwbirdsa@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (James Webster Birdsall) writes:
|    Anybody know of a reliable public-domain or shareware HD
| defragmenter? (or whatever it is that they're called -- my brain lost
| the name on me just as I went to type it...)

  The one I like is called SST (seek stoper). It moves data on the fly
and will trash the disk if power drops or you stop it. They tell you to
make a backup before running it. It's very fast compared to a few others
I've tried.

  I think I got it off c.b.i.p, and it's probably in an archive.
	bill davidsen		(wedu@crd.GE.COM)
  {uunet | philabs}!steinmetz!crdos1!davidsen
"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward" -me