[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Recommendations for remote debugger and monitor for 80x86

jrv@demon.siemens.com (James R Vallino) (05/01/89)

I am looking to start work on an embedded system application.  Rather than
use in circuit emulation I want to try remote debugging using a resident
monitor in the target hardware.  I will be working with 80286 systems.

Any comments or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  So far I have
seen ads for a few packages available from: Systems & Software, Datalight,
and First Systems Corporation.

One main requirement is that hooks are provided so that I can substitute my
own communications protocol between the remote debugger and the resident
monitor.  The ones I've seen all use serial channel communications.  This
will just not cut it for me for a number of reasons.

Thanks for any information.

Jim Vallino	Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ
(609) 734-3331