(Peter Sunesen) (05/05/89)
> Has anyone out there had experience installing and using > more than 2 floppy drives? Currently I have (1) 1.2M and > (1) 1.44M floppys. I would like to have (2) of each. You can do to things: 1: bye a controler to 4 drives. 2: bye a simple switch and do some work. 1: When you do this thing be soure that you get a controler for a AT becouse, I have tryede one on a 16 MHz 386, and it was getting werry hot. If this is the solution you will also run into troble with with that your harddisk will be E: F: and so on, witch not will work on some programs. About controler, I have heard that Western Digital make one. 2: This the most less expensive, and it is the one I use. You take a knife and cot the drive select to the B: and C: drive, and connect the B: to a switch. from the switch you will have to drive select one to B: and one to C:, witch you can controll from the switch. You will then have 3 drives running on a 2 drive controler. The only thing you nead is a program witch change the Bios setup for the floppy drives, witch you can get at me. a solution to get more than 2 drives for less than 5 dollars. cabling: C: 6 --cot /------ 6 B: drive floppy nr 2 from controler B: 14 ------switch ---- 14 B: drive floppy nr 1 Be avare of that the floppy 2 most be selectet on the floppy to C: becouse it is trou here the signal is comming. If you do solution 2 don't blayme me if you do somthing wrong becouse I now it is working. Peter Sunesen