[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Help for Epson 9pin Mode

timothym@tekigm2.MEN.TEK.COM (Timothy D Margeson) (05/10/89)


Here it is fresh from my old FX-80+ manual... How to print 9 pin graphics:


The format for entering 9 pin Graphics mode is:

  LPRINT CHR$(27)"^"CHR$(d)CHR$(n1)CHR$(n2);

where   d : 0 = single density
	    1 = double density

       n1 : low order count
       n2 : high order count

In this format, n1 and n2 represent the usual width settings, but each
print pattern requires two bytes (instead of one). This means that when
you want to print 60 colomns of graphics, you must send 120 data bytes.

Firing 9 pins with 8 data lines is a shade more difficult than firing 7 
or 8 pins. It takes 2 bytes to define each 9-dot pattern: the first byte
determines the pattern of the top 8 pins in the usual way, and only the
top bit of the second byte is used. Thus any second byte of 128 or greater
fires the bottom pin of the print head; anything less does not.

20 A$=CHR$(27)+CHR$(94)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(60)+CHR$(0)
30 B$=CHR$(85)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(170)+CHR$(128)
50 FOR X=1 TO 30 
60   LPRINT B$;
80 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@"

Compare this with the densities in Fig.... Look closely at this printout;
you'll see that the bottom pin prints in every other column. If you want
to see Double Density change the first 0 of line 20 to a 1. For fans of 
9 pin grpahics, the CHR$(27)"0" line spacing is ideal: it sets the line
spacing to 9/72-inch (9-dot).


Well there it is from the horses mouth - so to speak. Hope it helps!
Tim Margeson (206)253-5240
PO Box 3500  d/s C1-022                          @@   'Who said that?'  
Vancouver, WA. 98668
e-mail replies to: timothym@tekigm2.UUCP  or  timothym@tekigm2.TEK.COM