[comp.sys.ibm.pc] IBM PCjr serial port

rmfowler@bsu-cs.bsu.edu (Rex M. Fowler) (05/12/89)

Does anyone know of an add on device for the PCjr that will give it
another serial port?

My problem is that one of the pins in the serial port is missing so 
I cannot use my modem.

The serial port of the jr is 16 pins and the bottom right pin is broken.

Some of the pins aren't even used but evidently this pin is needed because
the only response i get when i dialup is the sound from the speaker of the
two computers connecting. The connection is soon lost however because
the modem-computer-software don't know i'm connected.

Also I've heard of hooking a modem to the parallel port but I've never
seen it done and don't know if it requires a special modem or just a

Any help is greatly appreciated

Rex Fowler
Rex Fowler		UUCP : <backbones>!{iuvax,pur-ee}!bsu-cs!rmfowler
Ball State University   ARPA : rmfowler@bsu-cs.bsu.edu
Muncie, IN