[comp.sys.ibm.pc] FOSSIL library for Turbo C?

mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us (Marc Unangst) (05/09/89)

I am interested in obtaining a FOSSIL library for Turbo C.  (For instance,
you call "comstat()", and it does the necessary register-juggling and
interrupt-calling, and returns the results to you.)  Source would be
very much preferred, as well as zero or very low cost, but I'll
also accept source-less commercial packages, if need be.


Marc Unangst
UUCP smart    : mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us
UUCP dumb     : ...!uunet!sharkey!mudos!mju
UUCP dumb alt.: ...!{ames,rutgers}!mailrus!clip!mudos!mju
Internet      : mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us

jeffery@jsheese.FIDONET.ORG (Jeff Sheese) (05/10/89)

In an article of <8 May 89 22:52:50 GMT>, mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us (Marc Unangst) writes:

 >I am interested in obtaining a FOSSIL library for Turbo C.  (For 
 >you call "comstat()", and it does the necessary register-juggling and
 >interrupt-calling, and returns the results to you.)  Source would be
 >very much preferred, as well as zero or very low cost, but I'll
 >also accept source-less commercial packages, if need be.

I'm not aware of any available libraries, but you can check the newest
version of uuslave, part of the UFGATE v1.03 software system.  It supports
FOSSIL's and comes with source.
Jeff Sheese - via FidoNet node 1:109/116
UUCP: ...!netsys!jsheese!jeffery
ARPA: jeffery@jsheese.FIDONET.ORG
(I am sole owner.  My opinions represent my company.)
(Send all flames to null@jsheese.Fidonet.ORG)

pozar@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Pozar) (05/12/89)

In article <49.2467841F@jsheese.FIDONET.ORG> jeffery@jsheese.FIDONET.ORG (Jeff Sheese) writes:
>In an article of <8 May 89 22:52:50 GMT>, mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us (Marc Unangst) writes:
> >I am interested in obtaining a FOSSIL library for Turbo C.  (For 
> >instance,
> >you call "comstat()", and it does the necessary register-juggling and
> >interrupt-calling, and returns the results to you.)  Source would be
> >very much preferred, as well as zero or very low cost, but I'll
> >also accept source-less commercial packages, if need be.
>I'm not aware of any available libraries, but you can check the newest
>version of uuslave, part of the UFGATE v1.03 software system.  It supports
>FOSSIL's and comes with source.

    This is true, but I wrote the communication driver to talk
    to MSC.  It shouldn't be to difficult to move it to Turbo.
    You just need to change the calling conventions.  

    Also I have included a elder copy of the Fossil
    documentation.   I'm sure there is something more current,
    but this is accurate for the functions it describes.


                 Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use
                       Draft Version 4  August 10, 1987
                      Vincent E. Perriello, VEP Software

		 IFNA Address: Network 141 Node 491 (141/491)
     Usenet address: ...decvax!envore!vaxine!spark!141!491!Vince_Perriello


 Copyright (C) 1987, VEP Software, Naugatuck, CT 06770. All rights reserved.
 This document may be freely used or copied by anyone interested in the data
 contained herein. No fees may be charged for distribution of this document.
 You will be held  accountable for all such charges,  and expected to either
 reimburse those persons or organizations so charged,  or to make a donation
 in the exact amount of those fees to the International FidoNet Association, 
 to  assist  them in their  efforts to  advance the  technology of  personal 
 computer telecommunications.
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 1

 A. Objectives of this document

    This document is directed at implementors or intellectuals.  It is meant
    for use in implementing applications that can use FOSSIL drivers, or for
    details needed to implement a new FOSSIL. As such it won't always go out
    of its way to explain itself to the neophyte.

    This document will have served its purpose to you if you are able to use
    the data contained within to perform either of the above tasks.   If you
    feel that necessary data has been omitted please contact Vince Perriello
    at the above listed address so that the appropriate changes can be made.

 B. Historical perspective
    For those people who were not lucky enough to have an IBM PC or a system
    nearly completely compatible, the world has not been very friendly. With
    his implementation of the Generic Fido(tm) driver,  Tom Jennings made it
    possible for systems that had nothing in common with an IBM PC except an
    808x-class processor, and the ability to run MS-DOS Version 2 and above,
    to run his Fido(tm) software. That was a lot to ask, and a lot of people
    thought it was enough.

    But not everyone.  While Thom Henderson was debugging Version 4.0 of his
    SEAdog(tm) mail package,  an "extended" Generic driver was designed  (in
    cooperation with Bob Hartman)   as a quick kludge to help him get past a
    problem with certain UART chips.The new hook was quickly pounced upon by
    Vince Perriello,  who, with almost DAILY prodding (ouch! it still hurts)
    by Ken Kaplan,had been working with Henderson to get DEC Rainbow support
    into SEAdog. Vince then coded a driver to use this hook and - Voila! - 
    SEAdog 4.0 started working like a champ on the Rainbow.

    At the same time something was rotten in the state of Texas. Wynn Wagner
    started  encountering some serious  difficulties in his Opus development
    effort. Specifically, he couldn't force the Greenleaf(tm) Communications
    Libraries to behave in exactly the way he felt Opus required.  Enter Bob
    Hartman.Having already enjoyed success in the effort with Thom Henderson,
    he suggested to Wynn that with very few extensions,  any driver that was
    already  SEAdog(tm) 4.0 compatible could drive Opus as well.  About that
    time, Vince called Wynn to discuss porting Opus to the DEC Rainbow. Wynn
    called Bob, Bob called Vince, and the FOSSIL driver came into existence.

    FOSSIL is an acronym for "Fido/Opus/SEAdog Standard Interface Layer". To
    say that the concept has gained wide acceptance in the FidoNet community
    would be an understatement. Henk Wevers' DUTCHIE package uses the FOSSIL
    communications services.   Ron Bemis' OUTER package uses FOSSIL services
    for everything it does and as a result it is completely generic.   There
    are already FOSSIL implementations for the Tandy 2000, Heath/Zenith 100,
    Sanyo 555 and other "non-IBM" architectures. With each new 'port' of the
    spec, the potential of a properly coded FOSSIL application grows!
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 2
Basic conventions and calling method

 C. Basic principles of a FOSSIL driver

    1)  Interrupt 14H.

    The one basic rule that the driver depends upon,  is the ability for ANY
    target machine to allow the vector for INT 14H (usually pointing to BIOS
    comm functions) to be "stolen" by the driver.  In a system where the INT
    14H vector is used already, it must be possible to replace the "builtin"
    functionality with that of a FOSSIL,  when an application that wants the
    use of a FOSSIL is to be run on the target machine.

    2)  How to install a FOSSIL driver in a system

    There's no hard and fast way to do this. The FOSSIL might be implemented
    as part of a device driver (like Ray Gwinn's X00.SYS) and therefore gets
    loaded using a line in CONFIG.SYS at bootup time.  It might be done as a
    TSR (terminate and stay resident) program, in which event you install it
    by running the program  (DECcomm by Vince Perriello and Opus!Comm by Bob
    Hartman work this way, for example).

    3)  How an application can detect the presence of a FOSSIL

    The driver has a "signature" that can be used to determine whether it is 
    present in memory. At offset 6 in the INT 14H service routine is a word, 
    1954 hex,  followed by a byte that specifies the maximum function number 
    supported by the driver. This is to make it possible to determine when a
    driver is present and what level of functionality it provides. Also, the
    Init call (see below) returns a 1954 Hex in AX.  SEAdog(tm) looks at the
    signature and Opus just goes for the Init. Fido doesn't do either.

    4)  How to call a FOSSIL function

    The FOSSIL driver is entered by issuing a software Interrupt 14 Hex from
    the application  program. The code corresponding to the desired function 
    should be in 8-bit register AH. For calls that relate to communications,
    the port number will be passed from the application in register DX. When
    DX contains a zero (0) it signifies use of COM1, or whatever the "first"
    serial port on your machine is called. A one (1) in DX points the driver
    at COM2, and so on. A value of Hex FF in DX is considered a special case
    where the driver should do no actual processing but return SUCCESS.   In
    the specific case of Init or Uninit with DX=FF,the FOSSIL should perform
    all non-communications  processing  necessary  with such calls.  In some
    machines  (H/Z-100 for example),  the FOSSIL must  assume control of the
    keyboard in order to service the keyboard functions. 

    For all functions, any registers not specifically  containing a function
    return can be assumed to be preserved across the call.
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 3
Communications functions

D. Functions currently defined for FOSSILs

    AH = 00H	Set baud rate 
		Input:	AL = baud rate code
			DX = port number

    This works the same as the  equivalent IBM PC BIOS call,  except that it
    ONLY selects a baud rate.  This is passed in the high order 3 bits of AL
    as follows:

		010 =   300 baud
		011 =   600  ''
		100 =  1200  ''
		101 =  2400  ''
		110 =  4800  ''
		111 =  9600  ''
		000 = 19200  '' (Replaces old 110 baud mask)
		001 = 38400  '' (Replaces old 150 baud mask)

    The low order 5 bits can be implemented or not by the FOSSIL, but in all
    cases, if the low order bits of AL are 00011,  the result should be that
    the communications device should be set to eight data bits, one stop bit
    and no parity. This setting is a  MINIMUM REQUIREMENT  of Fido, Opus and
    SEAdog.  For purposes of completeness,  here are the IBM PC "compatible"
    bit settings:

    Bits 4-3 define parity:     0 0       no parity 
                                1 0       no parity 
                                0 1      odd parity 
                                1 1     even parity 
    Bit 2 defines stop bits:      0        1 stop bit;  
                                  1      1.5 bits for 5-bit char;
                                           2 for others 
    Bits 1-0 character length:  0 0        5 bits 
                                0 1        6 bits 
                                1 0        7 bits 
                                1 1        8 bits 

    AH = 01H	Transmit character 
		Input:	AL = character
			DX = port number
		Output: AX contains status bits (see function 3)

    AL contains the character to be sent.   If there is room in the transmit
    buffer the return will be immediate,  otherwise it will wait until there
    is room to store the character in the transmit buffer.  On return, AX is
    set as in a status request (see function 3).
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 4
Communications functions

    AH = 02H	Receive character 
		Input:	DX = port number
		Output:	AL = input character

    If there is a character  available in the  receive buffer,  returns with 
    the next character in AL.  It will wait until a character is received if
    none is available.

    AH = 03H	Request status
		Input:	DX = port number
		Output:	AX = status bit mask (see below)

    Returns with the line and modem status in AX.  Status bits returned are:

		In AH:
		Bit 0 =	RDA  - input data is available in buffer
		Bit 5 = THRE - room is available in output buffer
		Bit 6 = TSRE - output buffer is empty

		In AL:
		Bit 7 =	DCD  - carrier detect 

    This can be used by the application to determine  whether carrier detect
    (CD) is set,  signifying the presence/absence of a remote connection, as
    well as monitoring both the input and output buffer status.

    AH = 04H	Initialize driver 
		Input:	DX = port number
		      ( BX = 4F50H
			CX = ^C flag address --- optional )
		Output:	AX = 1954H if successful
			BL = maximum function number supported
			     (not counting functions 7E and above)
			BH = rev of FOSSIL doc supported

    This is used to tell the driver to begin  operations,  and to check that
    the driver is installed. This function should be called before any other
    communications calls are made.  At this point all interrupts involved in
    supporting the comm port (specified in DX) should be set up for handling 
    by the FOSSIL, then enabled.  If BX contains 4F50 hex,  then the address 
    specified in DS:CX is that of a ^C flag byte in the application program,
    to be incremented when  ^C is detected in the keyboard service routines.
    This is an optional service and only need be supported on machines where
    the keyboard service can't (or won't) perform an INT 1B or INT 23 when a
    Control-C is entered.  DTR is raised by this call.

    NOTE: Should an additional call to this service occur  (2 Inits or Init,
    Read,Init, etc.) the driver should reset all buffers, flow control, etc.
    to the INIT state and return SUCCESS.
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 5
Communications functions

    AH = 05H	Deinitialize driver
		Input:	DX = port number

    This is used to tell the driver that comm port operations are ended. The
    function should be called  when no more comm port functions will be used
    on the port specified in DX. DTR is NOT affected by this call.

    AH = 06H	Raise/lower DTR
		Input:	DX = port number
			AL = DTR state to be set (1 = Raise, 0 = Lower)

    This function is used to control the DTR line to the modem.	AL = 0 means 
    lower DTR (disable the modem), and AL = 1 means to raise DTR (enable the 
    modem).  No other function (except Init) should alter DTR.

    AH = 07H	Return timer tick parameters
		Output:	AL = timer tick interrupt number
			AH = ticks per second on interrupt number in AL
			DX = approximate number of milliseconds per tick

    This is used to  determine the parameters of the timer tick on any given
    machine.  Three numbers are returned:

	AL =   Timer tick interrupt number
	AH =   Ticks per second on interrupt number shown in AL
	DX =   Milliseconds per tick (approximate)

    Applications can use this for critical timing  (granularity of less than
    one second) or to set up code  (such as a watchdog)  that is executed on
    every timer tick. See function 16H (add/delete function from timer tick)
    for the preferred way of actually installing such code.

    AH = 08H	Flush output buffer
		Input:	DX = port number

    This is used to force any pending output.   It does not return until all 
    pending output has been sent.  You should use this call with care.  Flow
    control  (documented below)  can make your system hang on this call in a
    tight uninterruptible loop under the right circumstances.

    AH = 09H	Purge output buffer
		Input:	DX = port number

    This is used to purge any pending output.   Any output data remaining in
    the output buffer (not transmitted yet) is discarded.  
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 6
Communications functions

    AH = 0AH	Purge input buffer
		Input:	DX = port number

    This is used to purge any pending input.   Any input data which is still
    in the buffer is discarded.

    AH = 0BH	Transmit no wait
		Input:	DX = port number
		Output:	AX = 1 if character was accepted and 0 if not.

    This is exactly the same as the "regular"  transmit call, except that if
    the driver is  unable to  buffer the character  (the buffer is full),  a
    value of zero (0) is returned in AX. If the driver accepts the character
    (room is available),  a one (1) is returned in AX.

    AH = 0CH	Non-Destructive Read-ahead
		Input:	DX = port number
		Output:	AX = next character or FFFF if none available

    Return in  AX  the next character in the receive buffer.  If the receive 
    buffer is empty, return  FFFF.  The  character  returned  remains in the
    receive buffer. Some applications call this "peek".

    AH = 0DH	Keyboard read no wait
		Output:	AX = IBM-style keyboard scan code or FFFF if
			     no keyboard character available

    Return in  AX the next character  (non-destructive read ahead)  from the
    keyboard; if nothing is currently in the keyboard buffer, return FFFF in
    AX.   Use IBM-style  function key mapping  in the high order byte.  Scan
    codes for non-"function" keys are not specifically required,  but may be
    included. Function keys return 0 in AL and the "scan code" in AH.

    AH = 0EH	Keyboard input with wait
		Output:	AX = IBM-style keyboard scan code

    Return in AX the next character from the keyboard;  wait if no character
    is available. Keyboard mapping should be the same as function 13.

    AH = 0FH	Enable or Disable flow control on transmit
		Input:	AL = bit mask describing requested flow control
			DX = port number

    This is used to stop output when the "other end" is overwhelmed, or when
    a BBS user wants to stop a screen.

    Two kinds of flow control are supported:

		Bit 0 = 1	XON/XOFF
		Bit 1 = 1	CTS/RTS

Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 7
Communications functions

    Flow control is enabled, or disabled, by setting the appropriate bits in
    AL  for the types of flow control we want to ENABLE (value = 1),  and/or
    DISABLE  (value = 0),  and calling this function.  Bit 2 is reserved for
    DSR/DTR but is not currently supported in any implementation.

    Applications  using this  function  should set all bits  ON  in the high 
    nibble of AL as well.  There is a compatible  (but not identical) FOSSIL
    driver implementation that uses the  high nibble as a control mask.   If
    your application sets the high nibble to all ones,  it will always work,
    regardless of the method used by any given driver.

    AH = 10H	Extended Control-C / Control-K checking and transmit on/off
		Input:	AL = flags byte
			DX = port number
		Output:	AX = status (see below)

    This is used for BBS  operation,  primarily.  A bit mask is passed in AL
    with the following flags:

		Bit 0	enable/disable Control-C / Control-K checking
		Bit 1	disable/enable the transmitter

    The Enable (bit 0 = 1) and Disable (Bit 0 = 0) Control-C/Control-K check
    function is meant primarily for BBS use. When the checking is enabled, a
    Control-C or Control-K received  from the communications port will set a
    flag internal to the FOSSIL driver,  but will not be stored in the input
    buffer. The next use of this function will return the value of this flag
    in register AX then clear the flag for the next occurrence. The returned
    value is used by the BBS  software to determine whether output should be
    halted or not.

    The Disable (Bit 1 = 1) and Enable (Bit 1 = 0) Transmitter function lets
    the application restrain the asynchronous driver from output in much the
    same way as XON/XOFF would.

    AH = 11H	Set current cursor location.
		Input:	DH = row (line)
			DL = column

    This function looks exactly like like INT 10H, subfunction 2, on the IBM
    PC. The cursor location is passed in DX: row in DH and column in DL. The
    function treats the screen as a coordinate  system whose origin (0,0) is 
    the upper left hand corner of the screen.

    AH = 12H	Read current cursor location.
		Output:	DH = row (line)
			DL = column

    Looks exactly like INT 10H,  subfunction 3,  on the IBM PC.  The current 
    cursor location  (using the same coordinate  system as  function 17)  is 
    passed back in DX.
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 8
Communications functions

    AH = 13H	Single character ANSI write to screen.
		Input: AL = character to display

    The character in AL is sent to the screen by the fastest method possible
    that allows ANSI processing to occur (if available). This routine should
    not be used in such a way that DOS output  (which is not re-entrant) can 
    not be employed by some FOSSIL driver to perform the function  (in fact,
    on the IBM PC that is likely to be how it's done).  On some systems such
    as the DEC Rainbow this will be a very fast method of screen writing.

    AH = 14H	Enable or disable watchdog processing
		Input:	AL = 1 to enable or 0 to disable watchdog
			DX = port number

    When watchdog is enabled,   the state of the carrier detect (CD) line on
    the comm port specified in DX should be constantly monitored. Should the
    state of that line become FALSE (carrier lost), the system should be re-
    booted, to enable the BBS (or other application) to start up again. This
    monitor is not affected by Init/Uninit etc.

    AH = 15H	Write character to screen using BIOS support routines
		Input:	AL = character to display

    The character in AL is sent to the screen using  BIOS-level Input/Output 
    routines. This differs from function 19 in that DOS I/O CAN	NOT be used,
    as this function might be called from driver level.

    AH = 16H	Insert or Delete a function from the timer tick chain
		Input:	AL    = 1 to add a function or 0 to delete one
			DS:DX = address of function
		Output:	AX    = FFFF if unsuccessful

    This function is used to allow a  central authority  to manage the timer
    interrupts, so that as code is loaded and unloaded, the integrity of the
    "chain" is not compromised.  Rather than using the traditional method of
    saving the old contents of the timer vector, storing the address of your
    routine there,  and executing a far call to the "old" routine when yours
    is done, instead you call this function. It manages a list of such entry
    points and calls them on a timer tick (interrupt) using a FAR call.  All
    the usual cautions about making DOS calls apply (that is, DON'T!).

    This makes it possible for a program to get in and out of the tick chain
    without having to know whether another program has also done so since it
    first insinuated itself.   At least 4 entries should be available in the
    driver's table (including one to be used by Watchdog if implemented that
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                         Page 9
Communications functions

    AH = 17H	Reboot system
		Input:	AL = 0 for "cold boot" or 1 for "warm boot"

    Perform the old 3-finger salute.  Used in extreme emergency by code that
    can't seem to find a "clean" way out of the trouble it has gotten itself
    into.  Hopefully it won't happen while you're computing something in the
    other half of a DoubleDOS system. If your machine can make a distinction
    between a "cold" (power-up, self-test and boot) and a "warm" (just boot)
    bootstrap,  your FOSSIL should support the flag in AL. Otherwise just do
    whatever bootstrap is possible.

    AH = 18H	Read block (transfer from FOSSIL to user buffer)
		Input:	CX = maximum number of characters to transfer
			DX = port number
 			DS = segment of user buffer
			SI = offset into DS of user buffer
		Output:	AX = number of characters actually transferred
    A "no-wait" block read of 0 to 0xffff characters from the FOSSIL inbound
    ring buffer to the calling routine's buffer. DS:SI are left untouched by
    the call; the count of bytes actually transferred will be in AX.
    AH = 19H	Write block (transfer from user buffer to FOSSIL)
		Input:	CX = maximum number of characters to transfer
			DX = port number
 			DS = segment of user buffer
			SI = offset into DS of user buffer
		Output:	AX = number of characters actually transferred
    A  "no-wait"  block  move of 0 to 0xffff  characters  from  the  calling 
    program's buffer into the FOSSIL outbound ring buffer. The actual number
    of characters moved into the ring buffer will be returned in AX.

    AH = 1AH	Break Begin or End
		Input:	AL = 1 to start a 'break' or 0 to end one.
			DX = port number
    Send a break signal to the modem.  If AL=1, the driver will commence the
    transmission of a 'break'. If AL=0 the driver will end the 'break'. This
    is useful for communications with devices that can only go into 'command
    mode' when a BREAK is received. Note: the application is responsible for
    the timing of the BREAK.  Also,  if the FOSSIL has been restrained by an
    XOFF received from the modem, the flag will be cleared.   An Init or Un-
    Init will stop an in-progress BREAK.
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                        Page 10
Communications functions

    AH = 1BH	Return information about the driver
		Input:	CX = size of user info buffer in bytes
			DX = port number (if data about port desired)
 			DS = segment of user info buffer
			SI = offset into DS of user info buffer
		Output:	AX = number of bytes actually transferred
    Transfer information about the driver and its current status to the user
    for use in determining,  at the application level, limits of the driver.
    Designed to assist  "generic" applications  to adjust to "foreign" gear.

    The data structure currently returned by the driver is as follows (sorry
    but you'll have to live with assembly syntax):

	info	equ	$		; define begin of structure 
	strsiz	dw	info_size	; size of the structure in bytes 
	majver	db	curr_fossil	; FOSSIL spec driver conforms to
	minver	db	curr_rev	; rev level of this specific driver
	ident	dd	id_string	; "FAR" pointer to ASCII ID string
	ibufr	dw	ibsize		; size of the input buffer (bytes)
	ifree	dw	?		; number of bytes left in buffer
	obufr	dw	obsize		; size of the output buffer (bytes)
	ofree	dw	?		; number of bytes left in the buffer
	swidth	db	screen_width	; width of screen on this adapter
	sheight	db	screen_height	; height of screen    "     "
	baud	db	?		; ACTUAL baud rate, computer to modem
	info_size equ $-info

    The ident string should be  null-terminated,  and NOT contain a newline.
    The baud rate byte contains the bits that  Function 00H would use to set
    the port to that speed.

    Additional information will always be passed after these,  so that,  for
    example, offset "sheight" will never change with FOSSIL revs.

Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                        Page 11
"Layered Application" services

    The functions below are not necessarily FOSSIL related. However, because
    dispatchers  that support them are hooked on Interrupt 14H,  it behooves
    the FOSSIL developer to support them as well to avoid fragmenting memory
    with several dispatchers.
    AH = 7EH	Install an "external application" function
		Input:	AL = code assigned to external application
			DX = offset of application entry point
 			DS = segment of application entry point
		Output:	AX = 1954H
			BL = code assigned to application (same as input AL)
			BH = 1 if successfully installed, 0 if not.
    This call is used by external application code  (special screen drivers,
    modem code, database code, etc) to link into the INT 14H service for use
    by multiple applications. The "error return" (BH=0 with AX=1954H) should
    mean that  another application layer has  already been installed at that
    particular code. Codes 80H through BFH should be supported.
    External application  codes 80-83 are  reserved by FOSSIL developers for
    re-organizing FOSSIL services by type (comm, screen, keyboard, system).

    Installed application code will be entered, via a FAR call, from the INT
    14H dispatcher whenever it is entered with AH=(application code).
    If the value returned in AX from this function is not 1954H, the service
    code that is trying to be installed should bring up its own INT 14H code
    that can service INT 14H functions 7E-BFH (80-BF are "applications").

    AH = 7FH	Remove an "external application" function
		Input:	AL = code assigned to external application
			DX = offset of application entry point
 			DS = segment of application entry point
		Output:	AX = 1954H
			BL = code assigned to application (same as input AL)
			BH = 1 if successfully removed, 0 if not.
    Removes an application's entry into the table.  Usually so it can remove
    itself from memory. Error return means DS:DX did not match or that there
    is no entry at the slot described by AL.

    An application that wants to remove itself from memory can issue the  7F
    function to remove itself from the table, then, if it is successful, get
    out of memory. If it had to install itself with an INT 14H dispatcher it
    may back itself out, provided no other applications  have been installed
    on top of it (using its dispatcher).
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use                        Page 12

E.  Validation Suite.

    Well, there is one, but it's involved.  Run FIDO_GEN V11w on your FOSSIL
    for about a week with  reasonable caller activity  in the message areas,
    file uploads and downloads,  and FidoNet(tm) mail.  Run SEAdog for a few
    days,  sending and receiving a reasonable  number of messages.  Then run
    Opus for about the same amount of time.   Using Ron Bemis' OUTER package
    is also a useful test of the timer tick and reboot code. Some reasonable
    combination of the  above steps should ensure that your FOSSIL will work
    with most everything coded for one.

F.  Distribution.

    The good folks who  distribute Opus will be more than happy to take note
    of your new FOSSIL driver and to add it to their distribution.  And,  of
    course, you can upload it to any system you want, but your work will get
    more publicity in the Opus community than anywhere else.

G.  Technical Discussion.

    A FOSSIL echomail conference exists,  for the purpose of exchanging info
    and implementation details for FOSSIL drivers.It is coordinated by Vince
    Perriello at IFNA node 141/491.  Contact him for details on how to join.
    Keep in mind though,  that this conference is intended  SPECIFICALLY for
    implementors of FOSSIL  software and not as a general Q&A conference for
    people who think FOSSILs have something to do with paleontology.
 ...sun!hoptoad!\                                     Tim Pozar
                 >fidogate!pozar               Fido:  1:125/406
  ...lll-winken!/                            PaBell:  (415) 788-3904
       USNail:  KKSF / 77 Maiden Lane /  San Francisco CA 94108