RUBIN@POLYGRAF.BITNET (David Rubin) (05/12/89)
We are searching for a specialized Mail Merge program which runs on IBM PC's. There are many programs out there that have Mail Merge as a feature, but these programs are not the easiest to use and are lacking in advanced features. Is there a program for the PC that specializes in Mail Merge and is easy to use? Some features which would be useful are - Being able to retrieve data from different fields of a file - Being able to convert upper case names to mixed case - Having a library of letter "segments" (paragraphs) which can be combined into a document If anyone knows about such a program, I would appreciate hearing about it. Please respond by E-mail since I do not read this group often. Thanks... -- David Rubin | INTERNET: Polytechnic University | BITNET: RUBIN@POLYGRAF Brooklyn, NY |