[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Tecmar VGA/AD and AST Premium/286 REMM

ljg@ceres.physics.uiowa.edu (Larry Granroth 319/335-1960) (05/16/89)

The Tecmar VGA/AD video board apparently doesn't get along with
the AST expanded memory manager in the AST Premium/286.

A research engineer here ordered the above combo and was ready
to begin beating it with a baseball bat when I happened by.
We tried all the likely variations on i/o addressing, etc., to
no avail.  The Tecmar tech rep didn't believe that there could
be a problem, but we had no difficulties when we swapped the
VGA/AD with a Dell VGA card.  Fortunately, the Tecmar board
worked in the Dell 386 machine and both PC owners were happy
in switching.  (The Dell owner got more video options and 512k video
ram, and the AST owner got a board that worked.)


calhoun@cis.ohio-state.edu (robert r calhoun) (05/17/89)

	The Genoa 512K VGA card doesn't work in it either.  I was told
	to place the board in 1 wait state (E1) and it would work.  Try
	it, it didn't work for me.