[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Need help with Zak McKraken

calhounc@pur-phy (Craig S. Calhoun) (05/23/89)

I am having trouble solving one of the puzzles in the Lucasfilm game:
'Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders' and I was wondering if someone
could help me on it.  I have ordered the hint book, but it will be awhile
and I can not get any further in this game if I do not get this part.
Please reply by email if possible because I feel silly enough as it is.

I have found the cave near the lair of the two-headed squirrel, but I can
not see in it.  From the clues I have seen, I think I am supposed to light
the branch in the fire pit, but I have not found a lighter.  I suspect that
this is something I am supposed to discover on the plane, but I have not
found anything.  I have been trying many things to distract the stewardess
long enough for me to explore or at least explode an egg in the microwave,
but I fail every time.

	Thanks, Craig S. Calhoun