[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Help!, Writing Device drivers for IBM-PC

atula@cs.keele.ac.uk (Atula Herath) (05/24/89)

Hi everybody,

Could somebody over there in the net land suggest me good references
about writing device drivers for IBM-PC (AT/XT). Specifically AT(386)

Thanks in advance


| Athula Herath,       |            Department of Computer Science,|
+----------------------+                       University of Keele,|
| JANET  +  atula@uk.ac.kl.cs		                    Keele ,|
| BITNET +  atula%uk.ac.kl.cs@uk.ac	                    Staffs.|
| ARPANET+  atula%uk.ac.kl.cs@nfsnet-relay.ac.uk.          ST5 5BG.|
|      	 +                                                 ENGLAND.|