[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Linking MASM .OBJ file with Plink86

lily@haydn.kulesat.uucp (05/24/89)


Could someone out there help me with the following problem ?

  I wrote a routine in assembler to call interrupt 17H.
  When I assemble it (with MASM v3.00), and EXE2BIN it,
  it can be LOADed with dBaseIII+.  CALLing it in dBase
  works fine , but when I try to link the  .OBJ version 
  with the  PLINK86 linker,  the undefined symbol error
  occurs. What did I do wrong ? Or, how to solve this ?
  This is how the  .ASM-file looks like ( I ommited the 
  actual code.) :
  ; WINDOWUP-routine
  TITLE     windowup
            ORG     0
  _prog     SEGMENT BYTE
            ASSUME  CS:_prog
  windowup  PROC FAR
  windowup  ENDP
  _prog     ENDS

Thanks in advance.

any help will be collected at this address :

kulesat!lily (UUCP)   or  lily%kulesat.uucp@blekul60  (BITNET)