[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Why do people get new motherboards

sac585@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu (05/22/89)

/* Written  2:22 am  May 19, 1989 by russ@pyr.gatech.EDU in uxf.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.ibm.pc */
/* ---------- "Why do people get new motherboards" ---------- */

I am curious about all the postings asking for info about upgrading
old machines with new motherboards.  Specifically, I wonder if I'm
missing something...

In moving from an XT to AT, and from AT to 386, it has been my experience
that it's a good deal cheaper to shop for the best clone deal, buy a new
next-level-up machine that is packaged with monitor, etc., then sell the
old machine with the new cheap monitor that came with the new one. I
recently upgraded to a 20mhz 386 for a net cost of $400 this way.  Is it
POSSIBLE to upgrade via a new motherboard for so little.  Am I missing some-
Russell Shackelford
School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332
/* End of text from uxf.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.ibm.pc */

sac585@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu (05/22/89)

Before anyone flames me for the previous response, I TRIED to delete it
but the notesfile software on this machine would neither allow me to kill
nor to edit it. My apologies.

leonard@bucket.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) (05/25/89)

In article <46500051@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu> sac585@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
</* Written  2:22 am  May 19, 1989 by russ@pyr.gatech.EDU in uxf.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.ibm.pc */
</* ---------- "Why do people get new motherboards" ---------- */
<I am curious about all the postings asking for info about upgrading
<old machines with new motherboards.  Specifically, I wonder if I'm
<missing something...
<In moving from an XT to AT, and from AT to 386, it has been my experience
<that it's a good deal cheaper to shop for the best clone deal, buy a new
<next-level-up machine that is packaged with monitor, etc., then sell the
<old machine with the new cheap monitor that came with the new one. I
<recently upgraded to a 20mhz 386 for a net cost of $400 this way.  Is it
<POSSIBLE to upgrade via a new motherboard for so little.  Am I missing some-

I'm one of the people who was asking for info on new motherboards. In my
case it is because *upgrades* come under one budgeting category, but
*replacements* come under a different one. Replacements have to be 
approved as *new equipment*. Upgrades only need a dept heads signature.

I wish it was different, but we are stuck with it. We are hoping to get
permission to replace rather than repair some PC's that have flaky
motherboards. Wish me luck!

Leonard Erickson		...!tektronix!reed!percival!bucket!leonard
CIS: [70465,203]
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