[net.general] query

piovano (05/17/82)

Any one out there know anything regarding a company by the name of
Information Industries Inc., Local office in East Orange N.J. with
home office in Kansas City, Mo. A friend of mine has been offered a
job and wants some information about them.

				Larry J. Piovano

piovano (06/15/82)

  Does any one out there know anything about a company by the name of
Central Semiconductor. I belive they are located in Babylon, L.I.
A friend of mine is contemplating working for them and would like to
know something abouth them as employers, the working environment, etc.

				Larry J. Piovano

gvg@hp-pcd.UUCP (gvg) (05/01/85)

from: GV Goebel / Hewlett-Packard Corvallis OR
date: Wednesday, 1 May 1985 1200

Once again, I would like to thank all the kind people who replied to
my query ... yes, next time I`ll look in the manual ... no, I won`t
do it again.

  Regards -

  GV "Crow don`t taste so bad if you use plenty of ketchup" Goebel

PS: I think I got enough points out of this one to get a toaster-oven.

PPS: While I am certainly flattered by all the fan mail, I don't think
anyown really needs to go through such fuss and bother.  Besides, I
haven`t had much time to read it lately, so I`ve had to put it aside
to read later ... though it beats me exactly WHERE I put the stuff.  
(I have a real poor memory sometimes.)  As a matter of fact, I think
I`m gonna go on a nice vacation from the Net for a while ... down to
some sunny clime, watch the girls walk down the beach ... Aloha!	

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (03/08/86)

I am a computer ignorant person sitting at a friend's home in New Jersey.
I am having a fundamental difficulty in understanding (believing?) that
somewhere out there someone is listening and watching.  Would someone
care to respond?  I would appreciate it.  Thanks. Frank Fortunato
2l62 Rayburn, Washington, D.C.  20515 or respond c/o mhuxj!sara