[net.general] Computer Virus Explanation

frank@unido.UUCP (03/12/86)

A few weeks ago I sent "n" copies of a request into the net.
I ask for any help concerning the subject of "Computer Viruses"
and there were lots of reponses.
A lot of flames for my cross-posting, a lot of hints but also
some people asking "what the heck are computer viruses" ?

For all those who don't know  I will try an explanation:

  A Computer Virus V is a small (sub)program that does the following
  when it gets activated/control:

    1. It makes a copy of itself and appends it to the program
       file of some other program (not yet infected).
       This is done in a way that every time the infected program
       will be activated the copy of the virus V will be activated

    2. If our virus V is a nasty one it starts some "useful" action
       (for the joy of the user). This could be something like
	  if (Date > "31.03.86") for(;;)  /* waiting for New Year's Day */

    3. After the virus will have done its job  it kindly starts the
       original part of the infected program.

  Doing the above described actions the virus spreads happily over
  the computer system and via program transfer to the next computer.

  For those interested in more details  I will summarize the result
  of my net request of 15 Feb 86 to net.general the next few days.

  Happy hacking ...                     frank @ unido.uucp
					      @ unido.bitnet

  P.S. Don't mind any mistakes I'm just a poor German.