[comp.sys.ibm.pc] BASIC program to configure HP laser printer

mario@wjvax.UUCP (Mario Dona) (05/31/89)

I've seen lots of interest in the HP printer, so I decided to post
something I got from PC magazine awhile back (Sept. 15, 1987 to be
exact).  I don't think its copyrighted since they usually allow free
distribution of their other utilities.  You obviously need BASICA to run
it, although I guess it would also work with GWBASIC (I haven't tried
that); you also need the laser printer User's Manual.

This nifty program creates .COM files that control the printer's
configuration.  It's a time saver for me; since I don't have a laser
printer hooked up directly to my PC, I take my disk over to
someone who does, send the .COM file I created, then send the print file.

100 'PRCODER.BAS -- creates printer control  .COM files
110 DIM Z$(20):K=1:U$=CHR$(30)+STRING$(64,32)+STRING$(64,29)
120 KEY 9,"":KEY 10,"":DEF FNST$(Y)=MID$(STR$(Y),2+(Y<0))
130 BAD$=".,\+*?^[]=;:<>"+CHR$(34):KEY OFF:CLS
140 ' === name the file ===
150 INPUT "Enter 8-character name (WITHOUT EXTENSION): ",N$
160 IF N$="" OR LEN(N$) > 8 THEN CLS: GOTO 150
170 FOR A=1 TO LEN(N$)
180 IF INSTR(BAD$,MID$(N$,A,1)) <> 0 THEN CLS: GOTO 150
190 NEXT:N$=N$+".COM":CLS
200 ' === print instructions ====
210 PRINT "Enter codes to send to you printer.  ";
220 PRINT "Hit actual keys -- like <ESC> or A or 5 "
230 PRINT "OR -- hit F9 then type a THREE-digit ";
240 PRINT "decimal ASCII code, e.g. <F9>255 or <F9>007"
250 PRINT "Enter up to 20.  Backspace fixes errors.   ";
260 PRINT "After the last one, hit <F10> to quit."
270 ' === main loop ===
280 I$=INKEY$:IF I$="" THEN 280
290 IF I$ <> CHR$(8) THEN 310
300 IF K<2 THEN 200 ELSE PRINT U$;:Z$(K)="" :K=K-1 : GOTO 280
310 IF I$=CHR$(0)+CHR$(67) THEN 440
320 IF I$=CHR$(0)+CHR$(68) THEN IF K > 1 THEN 570
330 IF LEN(I$) > 1 THEN 280
340 IF I$=CHR$(27) THEN P$="<ESC>"
350 IF I$=CHR$(13) THEN P$="<ENTER>"
360 IF P$="" THEN P$="CHR$("+FNST$(ASC(I$))+")"
370 PRINT P$; :P$=""
380 ' === display it and fill array ===
390 IF ASC(I$) > 32 THEN PRINT TAB(13); "[";I$;"]"
400 IF K<20 THEN PRINT TAB(20); "(Enter up to ";20-K;" more";
410 PRINT "-- or hit <F10> to quit"
420 Z$(K)=I$:K=K+1:IF K=21 THEN CLS: GOTO 570 ELSE 280
430 ' === direct entry ===
440 PRINT "CHR$(";
450 J$=INKEY$:IF J$="" THEN 450
460 IF J$=CHR$(13) AND C$ <> "" THEN PRINT ")"; : GOTO 550
470 IF J$ <> CHR$(8) OR C$="" THEN 500
480 C$=LEFT$(C$, LEN(C$)-1)
490 PRINT CHR$(29); CHR$(32); CHR$(29); : GOTO 450
500 IF INSTR("0123456789" , J$) = 0 THEN 450
510 C$=C$+J$: IF VAL(C$) < 256 THEN 540 ELSE S=LEN(C$)-1
520 PRINT STRING$(S,29);STRING$(S,32); STRING$(S,29);
530 C$="": GOTO450
540 PRINT J$;: IF LEN(C$) < 3 THEN 450 ELSE PRINT ")";
550 I$=CHR$(VAL(C$)) : C$="": GOTO 300
560 ' === program creation ===
570 OPEN N$ AS #1 LEN=1: FIELD #1,1 AS D$: FOR A=1 TO K-1
580 LSET D$=CHR$(178):PUT #1: LSET D$=Z$(A): PUT #1
590 LSET D$=CHR$(180):PUT #1: LSET D$=CHR$(5): PUT #1
600 LSET D$=CHR$(205): PUT #1: LSET D$=CHR$(33): PUT #1

  Mario Dona
  ...!{ !decwrl!qubix, ames!oliveb!tymix, pyramid}!wjvax!mario         
  The above opinions are mine alone and not, in any way, those of WJ.