[comp.sys.ibm.pc] EGA to VGA monitor

bobc@killer.DALLAS.TX.US (Bob Calbridge) (06/08/89)

Well, according to the ads this should work.  The ad said that the Amdek
732 multi-sync monitor would work with CGA, EGA, extended EGA and VGA.
So we bought it and a Paradise 480 video card.  The card works fine with
an EGA monitor but we had to have a special cable made up to go from the
nine pin EGA video card to the 15 pin analog monitor.  When we got the two
together, however, the display is a small rectangle in the middle of the
screen and the first column starts about 1/3 of the screen from the left
of the display.  The size of the cursor is about that of a 40 column
mode, the characters smear and run off the right of the screen and there
is some wrap-around.

My presumption is that the cable is not made right.  Does anyone have
any experience in this area?  What is the pin to pin configuration?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

=             I know it's petty..........                                     =
-                  But I have to justify my salary!                           -