[comp.sys.ibm.pc] ATLAS Modem w/ Procomm won't Hangup

gjp@sei.cmu.edu (George Pandelios) (06/13/89)

Greetings, Netlanders!!

Could someone out there please advise me on the problem I am having?

Problem Statement: 
   I have an ATLAS 2400/1200/300 baud modem connected to my AT class 
   machine.  I am using Procomm 2.3 to communicate other systems.  I
   can't get Procomm to correctly execute the Hang-up command (ALT-H).
   When I issue it, the message "Disconnecting" appears, followed
   shortly by "Hangup failed".  The link remains intact.

   When I had an Avatex 1200 baud modem, Procomm would correctly execute 
   the Hang-up command (ALT-H).  Now, ordinarily, I would jump to the
   conclusion that the fault is in the modem.  However, it claims to be
   compatible with the Hayes command set.  Curiosity got the better of me 
   so I checked Procomm's Hangup string with what the modem's manual claims
   is the correct incantation (or at least, the right components).  
   Unfortunately, I still can't get the beastie boy to pay attention and 
   hang up the phone.

   I *AM* able to break the connection by exiting (ALT-X) Procomm, but I  
   would prefer the clean, prescribed mechanism (especially if I end up
   using a command file to do this automatically).  Can anyone out there

    1.	Do I have a timing problem (1200 baud vs. 2400 baud)?  I.E.,
	do I need more characters in the command to the modem?  Does 
	anyone know the right incantation?  Any Atlas modem users out there?
    2.	Does this version of Procomm (it's older, I think) have a bug?
    3.	Is this modem *NOT* truly "Hayes Compatible"?

Your help is appreciated.

  George J. Pandelios				ArpaNet:  gjp@sei.cmu.edu
  Software Engineering Institute		usenet:	  sei!gjp
  4500 Fifth Avenue				Voice:	  (412) 268-7186
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Disclaimer:  These opinions are my own and do not reflect those of the
	     Software Engineering Institute, its sponsors, customers, 
	     clients, affiliates, or Carnegie-Mellon University.  In fact,
	     any resemblence of these opinions to any individual, living
	     or dead, fictional or real, is purely coincidental.  So there.

gjp@sei.cmu.edu (George Pandelios) (06/15/89)

Greetings again, Netlanders!!

RE my own problem:
>Could someone out there please advise me on the problem I am having?
>Problem Statement: 
>   I have an ATLAS 2400/1200/300 baud modem connected to my AT class 
>   machine.  I am using Procomm 2.3 to communicate other systems.  I
>   can't get Procomm to correctly execute the Hang-up command (ALT-H).
>   When I issue it, the message "Disconnecting" appears, followed
>   shortly by "Hangup failed".  The link remains intact.

Well, the answer is simple.  When all else fails, RTM.  Of course, I
had to go looking through the archived files to realize that I HAD a
manual.  Anyway, the ProComm (TM) manual talked about ALT-H (Hangup) 
in some detail (pp 14, 41, 47).  It seems that the Carrier Detect Mask,
a value that ProComm (TM) relies upon for determining the success of 
Hangups, must be set to the proper number.  I still don't really know 
what the mask stands for;  the Modem's manual was of no help on the 
matter.  According to the ProComm (TM) manual, most modems default to 
either 32 or 128.  My CD mask was set to 32.  When I set it to 128, 
the problem went away.

Hangup (ALT-H) now works as advertised.  Oh, a point of clarification.
ALT-H *WAS* breaking the connection, but it was *NOT* reporting that
fact.  So, if you have an internal modem, you don't really know the
state of things.  If you have a messy desk, you're in the same boat
(can't see the lights).

Just for the record, ProComm (TM) is a trademark of PIL Software Systems.
I have no connection with PIL Software Systems.

My thanks to those who responded.  I hope this information is of 
general value to the net.

  George J. Pandelios				ArpaNet:  gjp@sei.cmu.edu
  Software Engineering Institute		usenet:	  sei!gjp
  4500 Fifth Avenue				Voice:	  (412) 268-7186
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213

	"Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a communications officer.
	 If you want a modem set up correctly, go talk to Uhura."
Disclaimer:  These opinions are my own and do not reflect those of the
	     Software Engineering Institute, its sponsors, customers, 
	     clients, affiliates, or Carnegie-Mellon University.  In fact,
	     any resemblence of these opinions to any individual, living
	     or dead, fictional or real, is purely coincidental.  So there.