[comp.sys.ibm.pc] LaserJet -> DeskJet font conversion

jimb@mas1.UUCP (Jim Burke) (06/01/89)

I have heard that there are public domain programs that can convert
HP LaserJet soft fonts to HP DeskJet soft fonts.  Since there are
a limited number of soft fonts available for the DeskJet, this would
be a big help to DeskJet users.  Does anyone know of such a program and
how it might be obtained?  Thanx for any help.  If I find such a program,
I will pass on the info.  

Jim Burke (mas1!jimb)                   Measurex Corp.
{...}pyramid!voder!mas1!jimb            One Results Way
{...}apple.com!mas1!jimb                Cupertino, CA  95014
                                        (408) 255-1500 ext. 2014

pdccs@unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu (Patrick Champion) (06/15/89)

	If anyone finds out about a LaserJet -> DeskJet font conversion
program could they also inform me?  We have about 10 LaserJet Series II's here
and about 20 DeskJets.  And it is a pain to use files created on one for the
other since the fonts are different and it screws up the zillions of forms 
and reports that we create all the time.  We use BitFonts for our fonts on
WP 5.0 and Lotus Manuscript.
	Thank you very much.

Patrick D. Champion			My views are my own and do not 
Epidemiology Data Coordinating Center	necessarily correspond to those for 
University of Pittsburgh.		whom I work.

ritchie@hpldola.HP.COM (Dave Ritchie) (06/19/89)

  There is one on CompuServe (no, I don't know where - someone at work 
downloaded it and gave me a copy) that is called amerdj.arc (the
arc file contains some sample PD LJ fonts that have been converted). The
converter itself was $42  from the author. (note carefully that the
.ARC file is not the converter, just some sample converted fonts).
					Dave Ritchie

neff@hpvcfs1.HP.COM (Dave Neff) (06/20/89)

An outfit called:

	       SoftFontWare by:

	       S.H. Moody & Associates, Inc.
	       1810 Fair Oaks Ave.
	       South Pasadena, CA 91030

Sells LaserJet to DeskJet soft font conversion tools.  They are 
reasonably priced and do work from the feedback I have received.
Sorry, I have no phone number, so write them a letter.  The entire
package of tools are about $45, but the basic conversion program
and width generation tools are about $30.  I have an order form
downloaded from a BB but I don't know if its up to date and it would
be inappropriate to post anyway.  Anyone who would like could email
me a request and I will email them an order form.  I've already emailed
the form to the requestor.

Dave Neff

Disclaimer:  HP cannot of course guarantee the 3rd part conversion tools
will meet your need.  Since DeskJet fonts are actually "sort of" 600DPI
internally LaserJet converted soft fonts do not always have the same
quality as geniune DeskJet fonts (soft or hard).