[comp.sys.ibm.pc] How does one un-arc?

adamb@tigger.colorado.edu (Adam 'Velvis' Beguelin) (06/08/89)

I have ftp'd several .arc files but I don't know what to do
with them to get them into executable form.   Could someone
please email me the answer?

Adam Beguelin 			Computer Science Department Box 430 
adamb@boulder.Colorado.Edu		     University of Colorado
303/492-7906				      Boulder, CO 80309-430

jack.bzoza@canremote.uucp (JACK BZOZA) (06/28/89)

Subj: How does one un-arc?        Conf: (84) U-IBMPC

To unarc you need a utility such as ARCE.COM or PKXARC.EXE or

Be <C>hatting with you.....
 * QDeLuxe 1.10 #168  Lead, follow or get out of the way !