[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Paradise VGA Plus/16 --> Professional

t36273c@saha.hut.fi (Ari Huttunen) (07/09/89)

I've heard that Paradise's VGA Plus/16 and Paradise's VGA Professional are
'identical'. So, if I put additional 256kB of memory to my Plus/16,
will it become Professional??

I know you just can't plug that memory into Plus/16, but there are eight
(full soldered) places for it (without capacitors).

Anyone tried that? How fast memory is needed? What kind of capacitors?
Will it be able to display 640x480x256 graphics mode, or do I just
get a Plus/16 with 512kB of memory..
Ari Huttunen         = In the beginning the Uni(x)verse was created.
ahuttune@hupu.hut.fi = This has made a lot of people very angry and been
                     = widely considered as a bad move.

stratton@mrsvr.UUCP (Ninja Programmer) (07/14/89)

From article <T36273C.89Jul9020922@saha.hut.fi>, by t36273c@saha.hut.fi (Ari Huttunen):
> I've heard that Paradise's VGA Plus/16 and Paradise's VGA Professional are
> 'identical'. So, if I put additional 256kB of memory to my Plus/16,
> will it become Professional??

  If you get the answer to this question, let me know. I would like
  to upgrade my 16+ as well.


  My address is stratton@mrsvr.uucp
				{uwvax, rutgers}uwmcsd1!mrsvr!stratton

			Thanx alot in advance         Greg S.

uri@arnor.UUCP (Uri Blumenthal) (07/14/89)

From article <819@mrsvr.UUCP>, by stratton@mrsvr.UUCP (Ninja Programmer):
> From article <T36273C.89Jul9020922@saha.hut.fi>, by t36273c@saha.hut.fi (Ari Huttunen):
>> I've heard that Paradise's VGA Plus/16 and Paradise's VGA Professional are
>> 'identical'. So, if I put additional 256kB of memory to my Plus/16,
>> will it become Professional??

I think (please correct me if I'm wrong) that you CAN'T upgrade Paradise
VGA Plus/16 with additional memory, simply because the layout of the
board doesn't allow that. Sorry, I don't have it at hand now, so I can't
check what I'm saying.

My employer doesn't have to share my opinion expressed here or elsewhere.