[comp.sys.ibm.pc] OS/2 - Easel for 3270 applications? have ya seen?

daveegan@dhw68k.cts.com (Dave Egan) (07/20/89)

I've seen an IBM ad in the July 1989 issue of BYTE, page 189 that refers
to a program called "Easel" for OS/2 Extended Edition.  It supposedly lets
one create "programmable workstation graphical interfaces that can communicate
with existing host 3270 applications" .  Does this thing exist?  Has anyone seenand/or used it?  Can I can my MFS stuff (mainframe) for neat OS/2 stuff?

Thanks in advance!

Dave Egan
      uucp: ...{spsd,zardoz,felix}!dhw68k!daveegan
  InterNet: daveegan@dhw68k.cts.com