[comp.sys.ibm.pc] PC Tools 5.5: The Upgrade

djo7613@blake.acs.washington.edu (Dick O'Connor) (07/25/89)

Enough people wrote wondering what was in that shiny new package I received
when I upgraded from PC Tools 5.1 to Version 5.5 that it was worth a post.
At this point, I know enough to describe some of the highlights as I see
them, but I haven't really thumped any of the new capabilities.  A report
on that will have to wait for a few other priorities.  Bottom line is, the
upgrade is well worth it, and the purchase, if you've never owned a copy
of PC Tools, is a smart buy.  I agree with Tom Almy's helpful posting
here awhile back.  Other users (happy or gripe-y) should feel free to post
their experiences as well, for the benefit of the net.


* New file viewers (Lotus 123, dBase, ASCII and hex modes) that let
  you instantly view files with a keystroke and then launch the appropriate
  application loading that file simply and quickly.
* Enhanced text search and file location services
* Enhanced Backup program, including new verify and formatting options, 
  adaptive data compression during backup, and support for those of you with
  the Central Point Software Deluxe Option Board (speeds up backups to
  unformatted disks).
* Support for Novell and IBM Token Ring networks.  [They are trying to 
  position PC Tools as a business/workplace solution as well.]
* More shortcut keys, more flexible install.
* A better algebraic calculator and a SCIENTIFIC (Yay!) HP-11C calculator
* Better COMM package with more than TTY terminal emulation available
  (now supports ANSI, VT-52, VT-100), and support for COM3 and COM4.

PC Tools Deluxe Version 5.5 retails for $129, though the mailorder places
will cut that a bit.  There's a LOT of stock of Version 5.1 out there still,
so check carefully to make sure you're getting the version you want.  Old
versions have been listed at fire sale prices, which makes the $20 upgrade price
look like the deal of the year.  This gets you new media, new manuals and
covers the shipping/handling stuff.

If you want to try before you buy, Version 5 owners can download the upgrade
(say THAT three times fast!) from CompuServe, GEnie, or Central Point's BBS
(503) 690-6650.  I'm upgrading for the enhanced backup and better terminal
emulation, myself.  Your mileage and opinoins may vary.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not connected with the folks at Central Point, but since I
asked a bunch of questions and drafted a review article of this product, they
send me a lot of PR releases.  Read that any way you like :)

"Moby" Dick O'Connor                            ** DISCLAIMER: It would
Washington Department of Fisheries              ** surprise me if the
Olympia, Washington  98504                      ** rest of the Department
Internet Mail: djo7613@blake.acs.washington.edu ** agreed with any of this!