[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Problems with PC Tools Disk Analysis command

djo7613@blake.acs.washington.edu (Dick O'Connor) (07/27/89)

In exploring some of the by-ways of the PC Tools Deluxe Compress program
(provides de-fragmentation and re-ordering of files on a hard disk), I've
found problems trying to run the Disk Analysis command.  The machine having
problems is a Zenith Z159 XT-compatible with a Seagate ST238R 30 mb hard disk
using a Seagate RLL controller.  These problems did *not* show up on a Zenith
Z248 AT-compatible running a 40 mb faster (28 ms as opposed to 65 ms) hard

Symptoms: All of the Compress options and commands seem to work just fine
(including File Analysis) except Disk Analysis, which displays file
allocation information and identifies the number of bad clusters, 
fragmented or cross-linked file chains, and so on.  It's a useful command
for determining whether running Compress is desirable or not.

When Disk Analysis is selected, the information box pops up, the hard disk
issues 26 "dee-deet" sounds, and silence reigns.  The sounds are repeated
at long intervals, but essentially the machine locks up, and the suggested
keys for ending Disk Analysis (F3 and <ESC>) have no effect.

This occurs on PC Tools Versions 5, 5.1 and 5.5; 5.5 is the most spectacular,
as the entire screen goes black, except for the white mouse cursor.  A 
system hang is a hang, however.

I'm talking to Central Point about it now.  I'd be interested in any
similar anecdotes from the net.  Please provide some bare bones info about
the make/model of your machine and the type of hard disk and controller you're
using if you've experienced similar problems.  Please note that so far
hardware as well, and it's too early to claim anything yet.  Thanks!!

"Moby" Dick O'Connor                            ** DISCLAIMER: It would
Washington Department of Fisheries              ** surprise me if the
Olympia, Washington  98504                      ** rest of the Department
Internet Mail: djo7613@blake.acs.washington.edu ** agreed with any of this!