[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Novell & Microsoft Windows

scott@boake2.UUCP (Scott Boake) (08/11/89)

I have two apps I want to run under windows on my Novell network.  But they
will not run because I'm out of memory....  (Page Maker and Scando for a

I think I saw someplace a program that will load the Novell ipx and net into
high memory or something.  Can anybody give me info on this?


Scott Boake                                       Palantir Systems Inc.
scott@boake2 -or- ..!uunet!pdn!boake2!scott       P.O. Box 2142
(813) 544 - 8152 (voice)                          5030 - 78th Ave North Ste. 10
(813) 544 - 2375 (fax)                            Pinellas Park, FL 34664

patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us (Patrick Deupree) (08/12/89)

In article <272@boake2.UUCP> scott@boake2.UUCP (Scott Boake) writes:
>I think I saw someplace a program that will load the Novell ipx and net into
>high memory or something.  Can anybody give me info on this?
     There is a program for the 386 called "Hi386", and it is made by a 
company called Rybs Electronics, Inc.  I tried the thing out and it works
well, provided the hardware in your system isn't too funky (in my case I
had an expanded memory card and a 40 meg hard drive in a PS2 model 30/286
and it was just not happy with that because of the rom chip the hard drive
     For those that don't have a 386, there is something called the HiCard2.
Basically it's a hardware board with 256K on it that supplies buffer space
for you to put all kinds of drivers in.  You can throw most of the things
in the Config.sys in there, the network drivers, memory resident programs.

      If anyone wants to get ahold of the they are at:

	Rybs Electronics, Inc.
	2590 Central Avenue
	Boulder, CO 80301
	(303) 444-6073

      Ask for Kristi.  She's the one I talked to and she's really cool.  Tell
her I sent you (she probably won't remember me though).  @:-)
"I place my faith in fools.  Self confidence, my friends call it."
					-Edgar Allen Poe

Patrick Deupree -> patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us