cramer@optilink.UUCP (Clayton Cramer) (08/15/89)
Subject: PC Microsoft Word 5.0 -- Changes To POSTSCRP.INI needed for networks Newsgroups:,comp.lang.postscript,comp.laser-printers Once again, Microsoft has issued software that works with directly connected PostScript printers only -- networked PostScript printers obviously aren't tested. The changes required are all in the POSTSCRP.INI file. At the end of the .INI file is a ^D that needs to be deleted, since the ^D will cause the .INI header to be interpreted by many networks as a separate print job from the PostScript that follows the header. Also, there are six lines near the top of the file that check to see if the header has already been loaded in or not -- these seem to be a problem. Commenting them out allows our hybrid network of Macs on Appletalk and PCs and Suns on Ethernet to all coexist. The six lines immediately follow: %%BeginExitServe -- Clayton E. Cramer {pyramid,pixar,tekbspa}!optilink!cramer A pacifist who calls the police isn't one; hired violence is still violence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer? You must be kidding! No company would hold opinions like mine!