meltzer@sun.uucp (Sandy Meltzer) (09/12/86)
WHO - The Sun User Group (SUG) WHAT - Fourth Annual Technical Conference and Exhibit WHEN - October 6-8 WHERE - Washington D.C. (Hyatt Regency - Crystal City) WHY - Exhibit: 100 Sun Workstations and third-party "Catalyst" vendors demonstrating their most advanced products. Technical Conference: Three days of technical workshops (presentations and open discussions with Sun engineers - including Bill Joy), vendor and user application talks, special interest group discussions covering today's most interesting applications and topics, and user donated software exchange. HOW - Contact the Sun User Group - International Office This year's conference will be our biggest and best. Come join Sun users from around the world to disseminate information about Sun Workstations, Sun Products, and related software. We want to encourage all Sun users to attend and participate in the Sun User Group conference. The registration fee is so LOW it's hard to say no. For more information, call Sanford "Sandy" Meltzer, Executive Director, or Dave Howard, Group Administrator, at (415) 691-7490. -- Sanford "Sandy" Meltzer - Sun Microsystems, Inc. UUCP: {ihnp4,decvax,decwrl,seismo}!sun!meltzer ARPA: (or