[net.general] A new call for ignorance

williams@kirk.dec.com (John Williams DTN 223-2163) (09/15/86)

Last night, the Reagans called for a new wave of ignorance. Past attempts
at propaganda have only hurt the government's credibility. The appeal was
to the American tradition, one that supposedly makes america strong.
The government actually wants economic and military superiority to
enforce the propliferation of capitalism in a "free" world. The Reagan
administration has "traditionally" shown little or no concern for the
human conditions in foriegn policy. Most decisions are based on economics.

Is this a conspiracy? No, I don't think so. I think it is another example
of the type of naive realism it takes to make a good salesman. The Reagans
did not mention any comparitive statistics. The Reagans did not mention
any accurate information. The Reagans were interested only in persuading
the American public to join their pet crusade, A crusade that remains
to this day unjustified.

What happened to the glorification of the brave risk takers? Remember the
challanger? Remember the Brave astronauts who boldly sacrificed their
lifes in the exploration of the new frontier? Know what happened? The whole
thing got absolutely canned.

Some people do not know how to handle drugs. Any thing by itself is neither
good nor bad. Reagan would like to see the technology that is created to
be used for the military and propaganda machines. He has dropped the
space program. He threatens communication with Russia. Does he know that
communicative technology will render government as we know it obsolete?

I don't think so. I think Reagan suffers from a naive realism that distorts
his perspectives to the point of absolute clarity. This clarity is a
symptom of psychosis. His rhetoric his effective because it is primarily
unconscious. This is further proved by his unwillingness to yield, or
even consider, fact.

1) The number of drug related deaths is low. ( @500/yr. )

2) Most of the problem is financial, due to the demand without supply.
The black market charges ridiculous prices.

3) Most of the dangers are the impurities, which can not be adequately
controlled in the underground environment.

4) The loss of productivity is minimal, and is insignificant when compared
to other reasons for loss of production ( like mistrust ).

I say drugs should be legalized because:
1) The price will drop. The black market will decline, along with the
type of crime surrounding it.

2) The quality of drugs will increase. Toxins can be monitored.

3) Accurate information can be collected and analyzed. People will be able
to form their own opinions concerning drugs based on accurate information.

4) The civil rights of the american public will not be abused. There is
a necessary variance for the survival of a species. The government seems
to want to clone idealisms.

	I resent the tax dollars I pay to have the government protect
me from myself. I would say that a large number of people have at least
tried drugs. I think it is safe to say that these people have not been
seriously afflicted. Many of our past presidents have taken drugs.
Teddy Roosevelt and Ullyses Grant took cocaine. What about Tradition?

Contrary to Reagan's belief, the problem with the american economy is
not drug related. The problem with the american economy is due to
artificial inflation driven by speculation. It is the natural consequence
when people exploit the system of government. It is estimated that 8%
of the american population control 90% of the wealth. We are rapidly
approaching the extremes that lead to the french revolution.

And all Reagan can think about is Drugs? I think Reagan suffers from
an equal but opposite addiction. Maybe he's just trying to cover up
the increased funds he wants to put into the black hole defence
budget. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to let this maniac
bring me to my knees. I've got too much love and pride, not necessarily
as an american, but as a human being, to shut up.

						John Williams

PS. I do not currently use drugs.
PPS. These are my views, not my employer's.