[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Discarding power-on password on PS/

slimer@trsvax.UUCP (08/22/89)

  Twenty minutes is the estimated time. It usually works by thirty minutes
  or so. But there is an undocumented feature of the PS/2 line...

  There is supposed to be a set of prongs reachable from the front grills
  of these machines. How can tech support work on a password machine that
  won't boot, you say? They take a set of wires that look like tuning forks
  and slide them through the front grill. From this point I too am lost.
  The only thing I can say for sure is that they short out the password.

  Again, this is an undocumented feature that I heard from an IBM Service
  Engineer. But we all know that at times they too can be wrong.

*  Thank You,                           texbell!letni!rwsys!trsvax!slimer  *
*         Bill                  "Tape me to your leader!" - ComputerWorld  *
*  George W. Pogue, 1300 Two Tandy, Fort Worth, TX. 76102  (817) 390-2871  *