[comp.sys.ibm.pc] WANTED: Your obsolete hardware!!!

alei@cdp.UUCP (08/25/89)

*** What to do with your obsolete hardware?  WRITE IT OFF! ***

Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR is a non-
profit, non-partisan organization working to diminish the risk of
nuclear war) is looking for a few used pieces of computer
hardware.  What we need:

  > A monochrome video display adapter card ...and/or
  > A monochrome video monitor
  > A 2400 baud modem for an IBM (Hayes) or a Mac Plus.

Any self-respecting computer hacker would have upgraded these
items by now so there must be a few collecting dust out there.
And if there's a Laser printer going begging out there we'd be
happy to take it off your hands too!  So clean out your closet
with a tax deductible donation by responding here (alei), on
UUCP: bob@ash.circ.upenn.edu or by calling me at
PSR (215) 898-6911.

  Thanks....bob alei