wew@naucse.UUCP (Bill Wilson) (09/02/89)
This is a request for info. We have a Model 30 that a user has installed a secondary graphics card into. The card is a Wyse WY 700 PC Hi Res card. The system thinks it is a 640x200 CGA card. Whenever he is in WordPerfect 5.0 or does any graphics all text goes to the monitor attached to the Wyse card and all graphics are still sent to the MCGA monitor that is attached to the internal video adapter. Is there any way using Video services 32H and 35H to actually dissable the MCGA video so all output goes to the adapter card? We have tried unravelling the manuals to no effect. Thanks -- Let sleeping dragons lie..... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Wilson (Bitnet: ucc2wew@nauvm | wilson@nauvax) Northern AZ Univ Flagstaff, AZ 86011