[comp.sys.ibm.pc] TPU and/or EDT for PCs?

DLV101@PSUVM.BITNET (08/24/89)

Does anyone know if there's are any editors for PCs that are similar to
TPU and/or EDT?  I'm presently using Kedit.  It may be possible to customize
it to function like EDT or TPU, but I'm not certain.  Has anyone written
profile macro that makes Kedit look and feel like EDT or TPU?  Thanks.


hughes@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (larry hughes) (08/25/89)

In article <89236.111027DLV101@PSUVM> DLV101@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
>Does anyone know if there's are any editors for PCs that are similar to
>TPU and/or EDT?  I'm presently using Kedit.  It may be possible to customize
>it to function like EDT or TPU, but I'm not certain.  Has anyone written
>profile macro that makes Kedit look and feel like EDT or TPU?  Thanks.
>                                                          -Dwaine

You might consider looking into SEDT, which is available on one
of the DECUS tapes.  I don't know about Kedit.

|| Larry J. Hughes, Senior Programmer ||  hughes@silver.bacs.indiana.edu   ||
||        Indiana University          ||                                   ||
||   University Computing Services    ||  "The person who knows everything ||
||    750 N. State Road 46 Bypass     ||     has a lot to learn."          ||
||      Bloomington, IN  47405        ||                                   ||
||         (812) 855-9255             ||  Disclaimer: See quote above.     ||

gjp@sei.cmu.edu (George Pandelios) (08/26/89)

In article <89236.111027DLV101@PSUVM>, DLV101@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
> Does anyone know if there's are any editors for PCs that are similar to
> TPU and/or EDT?  I'm presently using Kedit.  It may be possible to customize
> it to function like EDT or TPU, but I'm not certain.  Has anyone written
> profile macro that makes Kedit look and feel like EDT or TPU?  Thanks.
>                                                           -Dwaine


I use SEDT, written by Anker Berg-Sonne.  It's terrific!  There are versions
for MS-DOS (PC, XT, AT, PS/2, compatibles), CP/M, and VAX/VMS.  It understands
many different keyboards, is well documented, has a WPS+ emulator, and is a
superset of EDT.  Some neat features are:

	o  unlimited file size
	o  unlimited paste buffer size
	o  can edit upto 4 files simultaneously
	o  supports 2 simultaneous windows
	o  fully programmable keyboard layout
	o  horizontal scrolling
	o  identical interface across supported systems
	o  command language (not like EDT's, though)

I was given my copy (and then registered it), so I don't know how to get
a copy other than to write the author.  Here's the address he gives:

		Anker Berg-Sonne
		8 Middlemost Way
		Stow, MA 01775

It's a great product, and I highly recommend it.  I have no connection
with the author or the product.  I'm just a very satisfied user.
In the interest of knowledge, there is a another product:

		EDT+ Version 4.0
		Boston Business Computing, LTD.
		Riverwalk Center
		360 Merrimack Street
		Lawrence, MA 01843
		(617) 683-7920

I can't speak for the capabilities of EDT+ 4.0 (I've never used it).
Good luck in your search.  Please post your experiences or e-mail to
me.  I'm curious as to what you decide to do.

  George J. Pandelios				ArpaNet:  gjp@sei.cmu.edu
  Software Engineering Institute		usenet:	  sei!gjp
  4500 Fifth Avenue				Voice:	  (412) 268-7186
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Disclaimer:  These opinions are my own and do not reflect those of the
	     Software Engineering Institute, its sponsors, customers, 
	     clients, affiliates, or Carnegie-Mellon University.  In fact,
	     any resemblence of these opinions to any individual, living
	     or dead, fictional or real, is purely coincidental.  So there.

cgf@ednor.uucp (Chris Faylor) (08/29/89)

My company provides a complete emulation of EDT for the PC and many
UNIX systems.

Our address:
		Boston Business Computing, Ltd.
		3 Dundee Park
		Andover, MA 01810
		(508) 470-0444

We also have a VMS shell which emulates DCL, a VMS MAIL interface, and
a VMS BACKUP program all of which run on a variety of platforms.
			 Chris Faylor

ben@vmsa.technion.ac.IL (Ben Pashkoff) (09/05/89)

In article <89236.111027DLV101@PSUVM>, DLV101@PSUVM.BITNET writes:
> Does anyone know if there's are any editors for PCs that are similar to
> TPU and/or EDT?
Check out SEDT. It is available from several sources, including DECUS and IRUG.


|                                                                      |
|      Ben Pashkoff                 BEN@VMSA.TECHNION.AC.IL            |
|                                   BEN@TECHMAX.BITNET                 |
|                                   BEN@TECHUNIX.BITNET                |
|      VAX/VMS Systems                                                 |
|      Computer Center                                                 |
|      Technion IIT                 Phone:(972)-4-292176               |
|      Haifa, Israel 32000          FAX: (972)-4-221581                |