[comp.sys.ibm.pc] ibm compatibles

joec@Morgan.COM (Joe Collins) (09/06/89)

my SO is looking at getting an IBM PC compatible for
a non-profit organization she runs. She is looking to
spend about $2500 for h/w and s/w. 
I know this has been asked twenty-six zillion times
already BUT:
-Anyone have any experience with SWC or MAXXUM brand
 computers? SWC (software city) comes with a 2 year
 warranty; MAXXUM (47st photo) comes with a 1 year
 warranty. How reliable? Compatible? etc
-She needs >512kram, >10 meg harddisk, VGA color,
 dbase3/4 or similiar, printer. She has a PLUS hardcard
 that might be the 10 meg hardcard...anyone
 know of weird problems plugging it into a nonblue
-Any other tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
 Please email direct to me as I am not a regular reader here.

many thanks....