[comp.sys.ibm.pc] Space quest

kwok@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Kwok Bor Cheung) (09/04/88)

Does anyone know how  to get aboard the Sarien battle cruiser Deltaur in the
computer game Space Quest.  I am stuck at that point and don't know what to
do.  Please email to me if you know the answer.  Thank you.       

Kwok Bor Cheung, U. of Hawaii Library Systems Office
ARPA:          	 uhccux!kwok@nosc.MIL       	BITNET:       kwok@uhccux 
UUCP:		 {ihnp4,uunet,dcdwest,ucbvax}!ucsd!nosc!uhccux!kwok

manfred@super8.UUCP (Manfred Nikodem) (09/07/88)

In Message-ID: <2344@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu> Kwok writes:
> Does anyone know how  to get aboard the Sarien battle cruiser Deltaur in the
> computer game Space Quest.  I am stuck at that point and don't know what to
> do.  Please email to me if you know the answer.  Thank you.       
> 							    -kwok
That`s easy! You need to have the jetpack!
If you don't have it: don't to sell your skimmer for the first offer...
Have fun on the Deltaur.
lh + nk @supgmbh.uucp

petter@fdmetd.uucp (Petter Henrik Hansen) (09/06/89)

Is there anybody out there who got through this game?

1. What shall I do when I enter the BIG spaceship with my shuttle?
2. I know I must use a plunger to prevent me from falling down into the
   acid, but where do I get it from?

Please use E-mail

Petter Henrik Hansen,  Fellesdata a.s, P.O. Box 248, 0212 OSLO 2, NORWAY
Phone : +47 2 52 84 02                            Fax   : +47 2 52 85 10
E-mail : ...!mcvax!ndosl!fdmetd!petter   or       petter@fdmetd.uucp
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