[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 80286 protected mode - looking for info

freiss@nixpbe.UUCP (freiss) (09/06/89)

I'm looking for book references and / or source code snippets of
programs for the 80286 in protected mode.

What I hope to find is a sort of "cookbook" for the protected mode,
with example programs I can start on an MSDOS computer; or some
assembly source code (with lots of helpful comments :-); I'm fluent
in 8086 assembler, but haven't done anything in the '286 protected mode

Please email your answers, I'll summarize to the net.

Thanx a lot,

 Martin Freiss        UUCP:   USA: ..!uunet!philabs!linus!nixbur!freiss.pad
 Nixdorf Computer AG         !USA: ..!mcvax!unido!nixpbe!freiss.pad
 Dept. DS-CC 22       NERV:  freiss.pad
 Pontanusstr. 55     Voice: +49 5251 14 6153
 D-4792 Paderborn     "Drink wet cement, get stoned."