[comp.sys.ibm.pc] 12 MHz AT compatible for sale

rbq@iforgetmyname.LBP.HARRIS.COM (Robert Quattlebaum) (09/06/89)


Turbo AT 12 MHz 0 Wait States 
Norton SI rating of 13.7
512k RAM - Expandable to 4 Meg on motherboard
8 expansion slots  - 6 16-bit slots and 2 8-bit slots.
Hercules compatible graphics card
(Please note monitor NOT included with card)
1.2 Meg floppy drive
101 AT keyboard
Dual floppy/hard drive controller
30 Megabyte 40ms hard drive (MFM)
Power, Turbo, Drive lights, and keyboard lock on case

Hard drive is used - will carry 30 day warranty, though
Everything else is NEW in original packing with 12 month warranty

System has been set up and tested (works fine), but never actually used


Drive is formatted and includes lots of software

R. Quattlebaum
work: 404-270-2135 (8-5 EST)
home: 404-534-5933 (BEFORE 9 pm EST)
email anytime

R. Quattlebaum			The above opinions are mine and are not to
"God is love, not religion"     be employed with those of my confuser.
