(David J. Birnbaum) (09/07/89)
I'm running into a conflict with Nota Bene and EMS (4.0). I have a Computer Elektronik Infosys Ramflex board in my AT clone with a the following memory configuration (addresses are in hex): 0000 - 9FFF 640k regular memory (on system board) A000 - AFFF Extra 64k of regular memory supplied by backfilling from Ramflex board; the system recognizes 704k of regular, contiguous DOS memory. This range is normally part of the video buffer, but my Hercules Plus monochrome graphics card uses only B000 - BFFF. B000 - BFFF 64k video memory (used by Hercules Plus monochrome graphics card) C000 - CFFF 64k page frame for EMS swapping D000 upward Empty addresses and system ROM I have been running 4DOS as a replacement for and I configure 4DOS to load a 5K resident portion and swap the rest of its memory (about 50K) to EMS when not needed. This works per- fectly with all my applications except Nota Bene. Nota Bene is a modified version of XyWrite version 3.52 produced under a licensing agreement with XyQuest. It is significant that XyWrite does not exhibit the problem that Nota Bene shows below. If I load Nota Bene, all is well until I exit, at which point the system hangs. Loading as a secondary command processor, either by typing 'command' before running Nota Bene or by typing 'command /c nb' does not help. What does help is if I tell 4DOS not to swap to EMS; all is well if I run 4DOS as fully resident (but this takes about 55k) or if I tell it to swap to a disk. The 4DOS support people inform me that 4DOS allocates EMS memory strictly by the rules; this is confirmed by the fact that their program operates flawlessly with everything I have thrown at it except Nota Bene. I DO NOT THINK 4DOS IS AT FAULT, but the problem showed up here because of the frequency with which the command processor is used. I am not using any other EMS-aware programs that might have to coexist with Nota Bene. The programmers at Dragonfly Software (home of Nota Bene) sug- gest that my EMS board may be using the B000-BFFF range that is used for video memory. Using the Special Language Supplement feature of Nota Bene requires the entire B000-BFFF range for the video display (via the Hercules Plus graphics card operating in 48K ramfont mode), so that a conflict might arise if there were other claims on these addresses. I think this explanation is unlikely for two reasons. First, other programs that use the same video memory to operate the Hercules Plus card in the same mode have no trouble. This includes XyWrite; I can load a 48k ramfont font into video memory, enter XyWrite, and exit safely without causing any problem with 4DOS's EMS swapping. Second, the manufacturer of my EMS card assures me that I can backfill A000-AFFF and set an EMS page frame to C000-CFFF without encroaching on the B000-BFFF video memory area at all. The EMS setup program confirms the memory mapping at the top of this posting; it knows that there is video memory at B000-BFFF and that it should not overwrite those addresses. That other programs can use the video memory area safely sug- gests that my EMS card is operating properly. What seems most likely is that Nota Bene might be carelessly overwriting the C000-CFFF range. Since Nota Bene makes no use of EMS and has no EMS support or awareness built in, it might not check to see whether these addresses are in use. The programmers at Dragonfly said that this was unlikely. But Nota Bene can support an EGA card as well as the Hercules Plus card that I am using; if it writes to memory outside B000-BFFF *just in case an EGA card might be in use* without first checking to see whether such a card is, in fact, in use, it could overwrite memory that I have allocated for other purposes. If it overwrites the EMS page frame, when 4DOS requests expanded memory it might be told that the memory it needs is already in the page frame, since no EMS application has caused it to be paged out. If that memory is not where 4DOS expects to find it, the misinformation could lead to a crash. There are a couple of temporary solutions. First, I can tell 4DOS not to swap to EMS. This works and I am doing it for the moment, since I don't want to open my computer and reset the switches on my EMS card unless absolutely necessary. I can tell 4DOS to swap to a ramdisk, which is just as fast as EMS swapping. Alternatively, I could try resetting the EMS page frame to C800-D800 or D000-DFFF or some other range; I have free space from C000-DFFF and I can configure my EMS board to use any 4 contiguous pages within this eight-page range. Alternatively, I could stop using Nota Bene. If my suspicion is correct and Nota Bene is misbehaving, that would seem that best solution, since ill-behaved programs should not dictate the system configuration. If my diagnosis is incorrect or there are other possibilities that might exonerate Nota Bene, I would be happy to hear them. I can not confirm whether Nota Bene is overwriting the EMS page frame, but this seems to be the case. Are there any users out there familiar with this type of problem who could suggest a way of diagnosing it? The Nota Bene program that would be the culprit is called nbmaster.exe; it is called from within Nota Bene and is apparently charged with, among other things, making sure that the video display is set up properly. I do not understand its workings well enough to make sense of a disassembly myself. Thank for any suggestions or advice. --David J. Birnbaum ================================================================== [Internet] djb@harvunxw.bitnet [Bitnet] =================================================================