ecn-pa: (06/02/82)
Since most of the movie news of late deal with fantasy/scifi I thought it would be a good time to ask if anyone remembers a television pilot movie on NBC about a year ago titled "Fugitive from (of?) the Empire"? It dealt with the usual plot...King is killed by treacherous aides, kings son is framed for the murder, kings son flees to hopefully right the injustice done him someday. Along the way he meets a thief/rogue type who joins him and a female wizard, and off they go in search of powerful allies to help the wronged prince. Well thats where the movie left off and I've never seen ANYTHING about it since. It's pretty tacky to leave one hanging like that!!! Can anyone help? Was this entire experience a nights dream or did it really happen? (I think George Kennedy played the king).
jcwinterton (06/05/82)
Sound like a take off on MacBeth with D&D overtones. I would be interested in anything further on this. Series? Pilot? What?????